Example sentences of "just [vb pp] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As she did , Claudia realised , pity mixing with sorrow as she remembered that Dana had just parted with the man she loved .
2 I was glad then that he did not know the subject of the talk I had just given at the conference — the possibility that space-time was finite but had no boundary , which means that it had no beginning , no moment of Creation .
3 The test of whether there are unobservable electrons can not be the test just given for the presence of dragons .
4 I had just checked into the hotel and come down to the sunken terrace when I saw armed men running in a crouched position by the swimming pool .
5 The Secretary of State has just referred to the number of social workers .
6 My hon. Friend has just referred to the car industry 's exports during the past few years , and especially this year , which reflect the quality of the product and the improvements in manufacturing technology .
7 So he did , we found the place , just withdrawn into the bushes by the path , where he had trampled uneasily and flattened the grass .
8 No up where the other 's are , where they 've just hidden in the bushes , I found sum brand new ones on Wednesday or Thur , after we had the heavy rain Why we going this way ?
9 The journey I had just completed in the Arussi had been the first I had undertaken in the highlands of Abyssinia .
10 Unfortunately , few of them actually ever bothered to try it for themselves — they just relied on the evidence presented .
11 You will be telephoned , if you are agreeable , with details of properties just received onto the market .
12 A young woman living in a semi-detached house on an unpopular Sheffield estate showed me a letter she 'd just received from the electricity board : " A board employee will … call at your premises to cut off the electricity supply on 9/11/82 .
13 May I draw the Economic Secretary 's attention to a study that I have just received from the House of Commons Library 's statistical section ?
14 It was next morning that Hazlitt came down to breakfast to find Coleridge with a letter he had just received from the Wedgwoods .
15 But the points just evaporated as the conversion and other penalty chances went wide .
16 Shopper Richard Snow , 37 , of Clifton , said : ‘ Assistants noted expensive items like bottles of booze and then just guessed on the rest .
17 His nonconformity was not just limited to the roles he chose or to his moody persona but also to his sexuality .
18 Suppose for example that I am a smoker who has just heard about the dangers of lung cancer .
19 Now we 've just heard about the fox and it 's coming across into the clearing , then an eye widening deepening greenness and talks about it coming about his own business till a sudden sharp hot stink of fox enters the dark hole of the head .
20 After the show the band chill out in the car park , meeting Carpettes from around 16 , who got in on borrowed ID , to those in their mid-20s sucking on roaches who have just heard about the band along with The Charlatans UK ( ! ) and want their logo in felt tip on a T-shirt .
21 But advice workers in Middlesbrough said they had only just heard of the drug and had no reports of its presence in the county .
22 The auctioneer , Harry Pickering , came into the room and announced he had just heard on the wireless that the King had died .
23 Just heard on the World Service that Leeds lost 2–1 at Norwich .
24 Just heard on the Radio 5 sports report that Wilko has denied a rumour that Sheff .
25 As we 've just heard in the headlines Nottinghamshire police have taken the unusual step of releasing a recording of a girl they believe has made at least a dozen calls claiming she 's given birth .
26 I never did believe that , as the coroner seemed to think , because of one of her mental lapses Grandma had gone out into the garden in her nightie and just fallen into the stream by mistake .
27 He 's just fallen down the stairs !
28 I was kneeling down and you had just fallen on the floor .
29 Now whether it had got there by mistake we never knew but there was no question she was absolutely just dismissed on the spot .
30 It was just I , I went down they played Liverpool in the cup about that era , and the , the wall was pushed down at the Street end but erm the people just spilled on the pitch and I do n't think anyone was really hurt , this happened when they played er Liverpool in the cup a couple of years ago the wall was pushed down at the other end on that occasion , but er there was just one , one person hurt but there was n't anybody very seriously injured as I understand
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