Example sentences of "just [verb] [to-vb] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Neither of them mentioned anything that had been said during the night ; they just agreed to head back to civilisation and not to mix whisky and cannabis like that again .
2 I just got to get out to where it 's light .
3 They just want to go back to bed — especially if there 's someone warm waiting for them . ’
4 Some of them just want to go back to places they liked while they were still alive .
5 I know that 's difficult to provide erm , and the money 's got to be found for that , but it , it 's a mixed blessing putting elderly people into , a lot are put into our homes , which I agree are very good the majority of them , they 're very nice , but the people who 're put into them , they give up their own homes , and then they get a bit better six months later , and they say , ooh , I just want to go back to my home now .
6 ‘ Thanks , ’ said Dolly , ‘ but if you do n't mind I 'd just like to go back to bed . ’
7 I would just like to point out to anyone thinking of tackling the Lakeland Fells that a small guidebook alone is not a sufficient aid to path finding .
8 He was just going to go up to her to give it back , when the girl did something very strange .
9 " We 're just going to trot round to the park , so follow me .
10 I was just going to settle up to you , that was it .
11 I 'm just going to walk round to , er , talk to our other witness . ’
12 ‘ There comes a point when you 've just got to face up to the private hell you go through every day . ’
13 She hated having to scan it in reverse rather than just rewind to go back to the same sequence the girl had been watching when she came in but Jezrael had n't thought to check the counter .
14 Britain 's savers and pensioners are just beginning to wake up to the possibilities of independent taxation of husbands and wives .
15 They 'd be on cup three or four amid the toast fragments , still relaxed but just beginning to wake up to the day 's promise , when Mrs Goreng and myself would join them for what was left of the luke-warm coffee .
16 The debate is a profound one and it is only just beginning to reach out to a wider audience .
17 She 'll just have to face up to the fact that he 's guilty , I 'm afraid . ’
18 ‘ You just wanted to hold on to them and cuddle them , ’ said hospital visitor Lisa Faulds , 23 .
19 Just a quick post-script to my last message about tickets for the Sheff Wed game — I just managed to get through to the ticket office , and they said that all postal applications were sent back yesterday with a letter telling you that it 's been postponed , and to re-apply if you still want tickets .
20 I only just managed to get back to our house before collapsing into bed .
21 NORTHANTS might just struggle to hold on to the NatWest trophy they won on Sunday .
22 And they 're just left to get on to these fifteen projects whenever .
23 To begin with Charlie was not quite sure what was happening , but he liked the sensation so much that he just continued to hold on to her , and after a time even began to press his tongue against hers .
24 Laboratory chemists have only just begun to wake up to this change .
25 I 'm just trying to find out to what extent I can trust you to keep my cousin 's best interests at heart .
26 So we just had to pop down to the Castle in Chiddingstone for a pint or two .
27 She just had to hold on to the thought that , although he believed he knew who , he did n't know where .
28 She just wanted to escape back to her cottage , her solitary existence .
29 She just wanted to collapse on to the bed she had spotted in the corner and sleep for about a week .
30 Naylor was n't rejecting her — he just wanted to get closer to her .
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