Example sentences of "your [noun sg] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So you 're going to lend your presence to this occasion after all ? ’
2 [ Op paras ] I enclose with this letter , the following : ( a ) a leaflet explaining the position regarding costs and the funding of your claim ; ( b ) a leaflet explaining your entitlement to Legal Aid ; ( c ) a leaflet explaining entitlements to welfare benefits ; ( d ) a brochure briefly explaining what happens next in Personal Injury cases ; ( e ) a short brochure explaining something about the Firm 's other services .
3 Your entitlement to paid leave and overtime , plus arrangements for being allocated to another place of work to cover for staff absence , should be made clear .
4 As we said in the introduction , your response to this case can be organized in terms of the classic problem-solving structure .
5 Your response to this letter and our meeting , will , I hope , allow me to enhance even further 's position under my Will , which needs changing following a bereavement .
6 There is a meeting of the Parish Council on 16th July and I should like to be able to bring your reply to that meeting .
7 Even if you do n't like to fiddle with curlers and tongs you can show off your cut to best advantage by adding more volume and body to your hair .
8 Your mobility to some extent governs the other two considerations .
9 Your reference to balanced reporting is surprising , to say the least .
10 Sending your child to primary school at three or four could be a handicap to her education , not a help , as Karen Gold reports
11 You ca n't see whether you , you 're acting for , what 's your attitude to this statement ?
12 What 's your reaction to that sort of appeal fund ?
13 Well if I can just draw your attention to that figure now , just concentrate on that figure
14 I also want to actually draw your attention to one item on household rates .
15 Can I also draw your attention to another date which is the Thursday the seventeenth of September which is the regional press launch for the fifteenth international Tyneside film festival .
16 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
17 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
18 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
19 Send your query to Outdoor Action , 13 Park House , 140 Battersea Park Road , London SW11 4NB .
20 Many kind Friends interest themselves in George Green 's behalf , and I find that by this day 's post an application has been made for a specimen of his hand-writing etc. and a hope held out of a situation ( in a Counting house , I believe ) , but if you were willing to take him , and if it could be arranged in other points , he would greatly prefer being in your establishment to any thing else .
21 It was one thing to lose your husband to another woman — but how could she possibly compete with the manifold attractions of a fax machine ?
22 With your back to this square , turn towards the Church of St Nicholas .
23 And then start planning it , and the sooner you get your diary to that state , the sooner you 're on your road to success .
24 Your Gateway to American Aviation
25 You want me to be your gateway to another world ?
26 Others say ‘ why do n't you just change your name to New Express . ’
27 This will not happen for about another five billion years , so there 's no great rush to book your flight to another star .
28 Women and AIDS Your Guide to Safer Sex and the Condom
29 If they need some quick cash they may have sold your father to another group as a long-term investment . ’
30 Getting your point of view across starts with using your voice to best advantage .
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