Example sentences of "other [noun] [v-ing] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Would there have been criticism of any other retailer doing the same ? ’ , he asked .
2 * Work together with other employers sharing the same workplace .
3 An expert witness is appointed by a party to assist in putting that party 's case to a tribunal of either judge(s) or arbitrator(s) , with other parties having the same right .
4 When we used to go out in the street , I would be on one side of the matron holding her arm , my sister on the other side doing the same .
5 In the absence of other voices making the same moral argument sufficiently loudly , we should perhaps be grateful to hear it from the very heart of the establishment .
6 They seem unskilled in the simple acts that console women when they are distressed — like being held gently for as long as they need to be held , making murmuring noises rather than using words ( or even worse , forming sentences ) , wiping tears away and blowing noses … in other words giving the same comfort which you would give to a child .
7 Held , dismissing the action , that a release by accord and satisfaction of one covenantor operated as a release of all other covenantors undertaking the same obligation ; that the landlord 's acceptance of the immediate surrender of the lease and the goods listed in satisfaction for releasing M. from all his liabilities under the lease was clearly a release by accord and satisfaction ; that there were no words of reservation or circumstances rebutting that construction ; and that the landlord had therefore released not merely M. but also the defendant company , as an intermediate assignee who had undertaken the same obligation ( post , pp. 483B–H , 484C ) .
8 In short , does the release by accord and satisfaction of one covenantor release other covenantors undertaking the same obligation ?
9 Why should LA relax constraints on that particular word when there are other hypotheses covering the same region ? ( i.e. up to eight a ) .
10 I hereby acknowledge that I have received from the sum of £ in payment for the fixtures , fittings and chattels now in or about the above premises listed in the Schedule below AND I confirm that I am absolutely entitled to the same free of any charge , hire-purchase agreement or other incumbrance affecting the same or any of them .
11 It would be against our interests to adopt a more protectionist and interventionist policy in aerospace , because it could lead to other countries adopting the same approach .
12 I have seen many other companies working the same sort of processes , and I have yet to find one which seems to have the final solution .
13 And in a relatively small way , but when you think of the other universities doing the same sort of thing , in a larger way , we are offering this kind of opportunity to people .
14 Despite abandoning a planned £34m ( $66m ) European airline venture with Belgium 's carrier , Sabena , and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines , British Airways still wants an alliance with the troubled Sabena , but faces competition from other airlines pursuing the same goal .
15 Teachers ' salaries are relatively low compared with those for other professions requiring the same duration of training , so that there is no great incentive to become a teacher .
16 Furthermore , the analyst must realise that problems do not exist in isolation , but are interrelated with other problems affecting the same situation .
17 The addition of other vendors using the same process would help applications portability between different architectures , said Mace , and generally increase the quality of software .
18 Every bill of lading in the hands of a consignee or endorsee for valuable consideration representing goods to have been shipped on board a vessel shall be conclusive evidence of such shipment as against the master or other person signing the same , notwithstanding that such goods or some part thereof may not have been so shipped , unless such holder of the bill of lading shall have had actual notice at the time of receiving the same that the goods had not been in fact laden on board : Provided , that the master or other person … may exonerate himself … by showing that it was caused without any default on his part , and wholly by the fraud of the shipper or the holder , or some person under whom the holder claims .
19 Got some fresh air , yes it was very nice cos there was other people doing the same with little children , there was no big children except for
20 One side is then printed and the sheet is then turned over and printed from the other edge using the same forme .
21 If there is any other insurance covering the same contingencies , the Insurer shall not be liable to pay or contribute more than its rateable proportion .
22 If , at the time of any incident which results in a claim under this policy , there is any other insurance covering the same liability , loss or damage , General Accident will pay only its share of the claim .
23 If , at the time of any incident which results in a claim under this policy , there is any other insurance covering the same liability , loss or damage , General Accident will pay only its share of the claim .
24 Eventually they joined forces with other graduates sharing the same skewed sense of humour , Michael Palin , Terry Jones , Eric Idle and an American-born cartoonist and graphic artist , Terry Gilliam ; and on Sunday 5 October 1969 ( incongruously enough , in a scheduling slot which had always been rigorously reserved for programmes of a religious cast ) the very first episode of Monty Python 's Flying Circus was broadcast .
25 I was n't too happy about getting down the rock-climb , but luckily there were two other fellows doing the same thing so we egged each other on .
26 Schools already have access to Prestel and other hosts using the same equipment .
27 While the bee was back in its hive dancing about the source , von Frisch put out other dishes containing the same scented sugary water nearer to and further from the hive , but all on a line with the original dish .
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