Example sentences of "than in [art] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The role of the state was to be changed so that it would offer help in the last rather than in the first resort .
2 The situation was slightly better than in the first half of the 1980s , when more power stations were cancelled than entered service , but those under construction all dated from orders placed at the beginning of the 1970s .
3 The European balance of power was thus after the Seven Years War a more subtle problem in many ways than in the first half of the century .
4 higher than in the first half of 1990 .
5 In conclusion , the population of England remained fairly stable for much of the fifteenth century , at a far lower level than in the first half of the fourteenth .
6 Since labour supply did not increase to meet this demand , the growth of civilian employment was only marginally higher in the late sixties and early seventies than in the first half of the sixties ( table 11.2 ) .
7 However , in most cases , the private person , even if not acting in the course of a business , is still really entering into a commercial transaction and it seems more likely that there will be more cases than in the first category where it will be reasonable that he accept some liability .
8 Needing 361 to avoid the follow-on , England find themselves in a similar but even tougher position than in the first Test at Calcutta where they lost by eight wickets .
9 More so than in the first leg .
10 In the first three months of 1990 , the guess is that they were again about 13% lower than in the first quarter of 1989 , but there are now hopes that it was the last drop for a while .
11 The entrance to the " opportunity garden " is less obvious than in the first drawing .
12 Soon , though , lava began to flow freely from the fissure , quite quietly and in much greater volumes than in the first phase .
13 Their own experiences at the Front , and the fact that in many of their villages and townships heavier losses had already been recorded than in the First World War , contradicted what Hitler had had to say .
14 Of course , there are relatively as well as absolutely very many more poor people in the Third World than in the First World but this is not only a question of geography but also of transnational class location .
15 That is , in spite of revising their reservation wages upwards , they are exiting faster in the second period than in the first period .
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