Example sentences of "than [noun sg] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It should be added that relapse is uncommon and is almost certainly less common than reinfection as a cause of reappearance of active syphilis .
2 Most of the schemes provide a simpler and cheaper route than resort to a court of law , without taking away the right of consumers to go to law if they should wish to do so .
3 It also has applications in field archaeology where financial or time constraints preclude excavation of more than part of a site , and where it is therefore important that the excavated part yields as much information as possible .
4 An old adage , possibly even a cliché , but not a bad philosophy if you want the sort of holiday where you can get involved , meet local people , be an individual rather than part of a package .
5 All viewers have a right of access to a variety of programmes , at prime viewing time , which respond to their requirements concerning information , culture and entertainment without any other restriction than payment of a fee .
6 Once there , Ursula poured more gin than tonic into a tumbler and drank at least a quarter of it in one gulp .
7 We have had debates on the entrenchment of rights ; on federalism or regional devolution as against the unitary state ; on the case for consensus rather than majority as a basis for government , on the relative weight of national versus local mandates and the independence of local government , on the duty of civil servants ; on electoral reform with all its implications for the operations of government ; on who should define the national interest ; on open government and official secrecy ; on complementing representative democracy by referenda and other forms of participation — and much else .
8 Thinking of a boy 's name is harder than thinking of a girl 's .
9 This is a broad , catch-all term which ‘ gatecrashed the literature , thereby avoiding the entrance fee of a definition ’ ( Blackaby , 1979 , p. 2 ) ; the question of definitions is taken up in Chapter 2 but for the moment it is important to note that it is a misleading term for it is often used to describe the relative decline of manufacturing industry rather than industry as a whole which includes primary industries like mining , quarrying and oil and gas production and also includes construction and transport .
10 But for the rowers taking part there 's more pain than pleasure in a contest where only the fittest survive .
11 This was to be achieved through fascination with base material ( excrement , big toes , freaks , anything that highminded principles and good taste decreed lowly ) ; through an obsessional interest in ritual and religiosity , a pagan celebration of the moment rather than investment in a scheme of forward planning and providence , a pagan worship of the icon-in-all-its-materiality rather than of the Essence .
12 She , who had never made more than toast at a schoolroom fire , became an enthusiastic , if variable , cook .
13 ‘ I 'd rather starve first than work for a man like that ! ’
14 Cytomegalovirus infection of an internal organ other than liver in a patient > 1 month of age .
15 Nationality as such played little part in most respondents ' educational life-chances or expectations ; and educational attainment in turn was far more important than nationality as a determinant of occupational position , although Russians did enjoy some advantages in applying for minor bureaucratic positions because of their better knowledge of the language in which most state business was conducted .
16 Far better to relax in your favourite armchair , enjoy a drink with your husband ( or wife ) and talk through today 's problems than escape with a mate for endless rounds of gin and tonic .
17 This probe had been shown to be better than actin as a control for the amount and quality of total ribonucleic acid loaded .
18 German scientists have developed a way of using carbon dioxide rather than water as a medium for dyeing materials .
19 It was the first time in more than quarter of a century that the socialists had been returned to power .
20 But nothing will more unite MPs of all parties than outrage over a Minister who lies in the sacred Commons chamber .
21 So the ‘ quantity ’ of services provided ( measured , for example , by the number of workers employed in providing them ) rose no faster than output as a whole .
22 He had always hated Jews — the pogrom was the way to deal with them — and a beating gave more satisfaction than use of a gun .
23 The idea that life in the community is better than life in a hospital has , for decades , been an article of faith for mental health workers .
24 Since the party was dominated by trade unions accepting it meant accepting an intricate network of loyalties rather than accepting socialism : Idealism was in fact rather less necessary , or sustaining , than loyalty within a trade-union dominated Labour Party .
25 It focusses on small-scale interaction rather than society as a whole .
26 Marxists see both state and law as operating in the interests of the ruling class rather than society as a whole .
27 Most sporting methods do no more than cream off a proportion of the rabbit stock , but ferreting , to my mind , is the ultimate .
28 Print on a page is more seductive than print on a screen .
29 To men who lived on what they could pick up from articles and reviews , the ultimate weapon implied more than lack of a showcase : it implied starvation …
30 Never , in all his life , had he witnessed anyone as clumsy or more dangerous to himself than Maltote with a weapon .
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