Example sentences of "come down to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Brown Owl called out anxiously to Mr. Gordon , who had just come down to the gate leading into the Brownies ' meadow .
2 In the twilight of the Great Drought he had come down to the river and filled his wheelbarrow with water until only a Samson could have moved it .
3 He had come down to the gallery to join the houseparty , he thought simply to look at a new sculpture , before they all returned to the house for luncheon .
4 Surrounding us on the beach were a large number of French civilians who had come down to the beach to look at the British Tommies .
5 The Jew had left Judaea , where the capital has a name difficult to pronounce ( they call it Ierusalem ) and had come down to the sea .
6 After years of anticipation , the Taiwanese-backed NuTek USA Corp in Cupertino , California has finally come down to the wire with its Macintosh-compatible technology : the company claims that it has developed the first machine that emulates the Macintosh without requiring installation of Apple Computer Inc 's proprietary ROMs .
7 We 've come down to the wine
8 And it had come down to the Valve to see what the Famlio ship was doing there .
9 On the few occasions that Tamar had come down to the farm , or visited her mother and Elizabeth in the market , she had chosen Goody to drive her .
10 He had come down to the Club that night with a real purpose , a purpose only half of which had been carried out at the meeting .
11 But she soon realised that they had come down to the manor only as a duty ( perish the word ! ) and courtesy to her , and regarded the house as a white elephant , being too far away and too cold for weekend breaks .
12 She had forgotten why she had come down to the garden in the first place .
13 He had come down to the island to make sure all was well while his grandfather was in hospital .
14 They 're nice old people , and I think it would be good for Mrs Richards to come down to the village more , and be part of Santa Barbara . ’
15 I run to the house with Mrs Gould and we get everybody — my mum and dad and the other guests — to come down to the river .
16 ‘ In that case I must ask you both to come down to the station with me .
17 Meantime , he reminded himself , since the entire company was now assembled , he had better be about sending off Father Boniface 's errand-boy to find Aldhelm at Upton among his sheep , and ask him to come down to the abbey when his work for the day was over , and pick out his shadowy Benedictine from among a number now complete .
18 I remember my father used to say that even those experiences that take us out of ourselves — the ‘ mountain-top ’ experiences — can never keep us from having to come down to the valley of ordinary existence .
19 Twomey sent old Lizzie with the summons : " Mr Twomey says , Sir Dermot says , for ye to come down to the morning room — the young gentlemen are here . "
20 To get off my frustration I used to come down to the track and run it out .
21 Well it , it I expected that he would have to go and I should have to manage on my own and it was quite er er a , a way to come down to the shop .
22 Because often I would be alone with her up there : not like other children , having to come down to the drawing-room at five o'clock , brought by nurse , on their best behaviour .
23 Want to come down to the canteen ?
24 So if the mover of composite eight would come down and standing in the of the Northern Region , to be seconded by Lancashire , but as we 're now formally seconding the er the , the formally seconders will not be required to come down to the front , but the movers will .
25 The next time she came down to the village was after a day or two .
26 Both the local people and the expatriate community had been happy to befriend the pretty blonde newcomer and her infant son , with the result that whenever Ashley came down to the village she spent a good proportion of her time chatting .
27 The King himself came down to the water to meet me .
28 So he came down to the vestibule , where the three doors were , and under the sills of the two great doors light shone , warm and enticing , and the third was behind a musty leather curtain .
29 The King , the Queen and their lords and ladies all came down to the beach to wave goodbye .
30 The green men in their cloaks of leaves and branches then discovered them , and came down to the beach and circled Dulé and his companions where they lay prone , and shook their fronds and squatted on their haunches and kicked their legs and tossed their heads and slapped palm to thigh , in order to rally them and send them off again ; pouring spirits and water into their faces to invigorate them , beating out a rhythm with their feet .
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