Example sentences of "come the [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Forty-five first year lambs were put below , then came the muscular double-fleeced adults .
2 By the close , England were 80 for 2 , and next day came the only big partnership of the match .
3 From it , as she passed , came the companionable muted clucking of hens settling for the night .
4 In Twoflower 's ears came the strange shrill twittering of the Things locked in the distant dungeon Dimensions , out beyond the fragile lattice of time and space .
5 After breakfast came the one happy moment of the day , when the pupils could play and talk freely .
6 Resistance to his rule increased inside South Vietnam ; and in 1958 came the first ominous trickle of men and weapons from North Vietnam .
7 ‘ But in 1973 came the first major oil shock .
8 At seven came the first allied setback .
9 In 1937 there came the first medical report in the Journal of the American Medical Association of the successful use of the sulphonamides in the treatment of acute gonorrhoea .
10 Then , just as we were tying up the canoe , came the first heavy spats of rain on the leaves and with a roll of thunder the heavens opened .
11 Along with the technology came the new scientific breed of brewers , and the skills of brewing chemists , administrators and engineers were harnessed for the first time .
12 Just as quickly came the deep bitter distrust of all white people .
13 And suddenly , with the water , out came the long slimy newt straight into the glass , plop !
14 In 1979 , however , came the second major oil price increase of the decade , followed by a general depression in the West .
15 ) Following these came the four famous Ramsbottom Tanks — CDI — 3 – 6 – 7 – 8 ; CDI was withdrawn in 1937 and was replaced by CD8-Earlstown .
16 Also at this time came the great compressional movements of the Urals .
17 Shrove Tuesday was ‘ Colperras day ’ and with Shrovetide came the traditional hurling matches .
18 From behind the door of Remove came the regular faint clatter of Jarvis 's typewriter .
19 Reply : Several days later came the following Short reply : ‘ Thank you for your letter requesting an interview .
20 The tailored long-sleeved calf-length black coat with tight wristbands and single-button or tape fastenings at the neck was in a decline , as in came the fashionable three-quarter length cloak — of black , certainly , but heavily embroidered and trimmed with braid .
21 Next came the three fire-fighting vehicles of the town 's volunteer force , two big fire tenders and a turntable ladder .
22 Between 1210 and 1215 John of Wales made a new compilation out of Gilbert and Alan 's work ( which came , therefore , to be called the Compilatio Secunda , though in fact it followed the Compilatio Tertia ) and in 1216 came the last private collection of the reign , the Compilatio Quarta of John the Teuton .
23 Then came the quiet plangent sound of a harpsichord .
24 Three months later , in October 1945 , sixteen months from the night when Leslie 's plane took off , came the cold official presumption of death :
25 There was a wooden sluice gate situated in the bank close to where they stood ‘ What 's that ? ’ came the inevitable female enquiry .
26 Came the intense medical examination , much of which is commonplace today , but by no means in vogue in 1928/29 .
27 These sculptures must date from the middle or later seventh century , and from much the same time come the first carved fragments plausibly associated with a Doric temple .
28 Come the glorious Labour victory , ‘ Third Term ’ should be played at full volume outside Downing Street with special emphasis on the lines ‘ I want someone who will not waste my vote , I want someone who will give me hope ’ .
29 Come the glorious Labour victory , ‘ Third Term ’ should be played at full volume outside Downing Street with special emphasis on the lines ‘ I want someone who will not waste my vote , I want someone who will give me hope ’ .
30 Between the two extremes come the various financial assets such as bonds and shares .
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