Example sentences of "come [adv prt] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We are also told that wage increases have to come down to German levels , and there has been some movement in that direction .
2 ‘ Would you like to come down to Carinish Court for a few days ? ’
3 There may also be more room for professional bodies to discipline those whose conduct has not come up to expected standards but where proving dishonesty in a court would be hard .
4 Buildings are not listed lightly : they have to come up to strict standards to qualify .
5 By the end of the year the UDC , which in the summer had fully backed Leeds and urged its local branches to support the establishment of Workers ' and Soldiers Councils , had come round to full support for the Labour Party .
6 This was the essence of the problem : the press could only be managed by someone who knew their methods and who would not expect them to come round to Central Office to search for news .
7 I came down to earth a bit when Harry Enfield came on to thunderous applause .
8 It all came down to bloody money .
9 ‘ She came down to Aberconwy School where we all were and said she wanted all the mothers and babies to stay with her , ’ said Tracey Parker .
10 None of the questions highlighted above by Bukharin can be abstracted from state policies in a Soviet type economy , even that of the mid-1920s , therefore once one had made a few generalisations about the need to transfer surplus from the private sector to the state sector of the economy , all else came down to precise policies which are not self-regulating but consciously decided upon .
11 they could only snatch a few minutes together from time to time , usually when Daddy came over to Low Fields to look after the cattle , or during the haytiming .
12 We went on to do a good matinée performance and came off to thunderous applause and whistles of appreciation .
13 THE DAY the Amateur Championship came back to Royal Portrush after 33 years dawned calm and still after torrential overnight rain .
14 If , however , he were to arrive only to find Madeleine promised to someone else , he would have to suffer again those bitter pangs of regret he 'd endured before he came out to Blue Ash Farm .
15 There a new realism and prices are coming down to sensible levels .
16 No , what I 'm saying is erm that having looked at each individual case that I 've sometimes felt frustrated about , I 've been glad that they are n't larger for the sake of coming down to human rights .
17 In any case she thinks it is just a matter of time before more women start coming through to senior levels , both because the company is taking on more female graduates and because they are a pretty self-confident lot anyway .
18 Two things to do with you today mainly one is to whip through at least part of the isomers work and , I say part of it because you 'll be coming back to other parts of it a bit later on when you 've , for example , we 'll coming back to erm , isomers work .
19 He did not marry again until much later , when he was coming back to political life after the economic changes of 1962 , which made the shipping more important .
20 Coming back to ordinary morality , ordinary people , individuals .
21 Faced with those kind of possible reductions in service , if there is a penny one penny more than necessary spent on administration and bureaucracy wherever it is in the youth and community programme that is gon na be less money for front line vision and the Labour group can have to think very , very carefully about that and the issue is gon na be that if we 're spending too much money or if they 're coming back to supplementary estimates which wo n't be available er given the financial situation next year if we 're having two heads of centres or whatever when we could have one that is gon na mean less money for front line services to the people of Highfields and there 'll only be one group that will be responsible for that , if that does come about and I think that 's something that we all need to bear in mind because what we were told as members of that committee is that the youth and community budget is gon na be in for some very serious times in the future and it 's mainly the government 's fault because of the way they 've decided to re-organise the situation it 's going out of our hands into the control of an unelected body and like most members of this council I think we would oppose that but that 's the reality of the situation and I could not support any increase of funds er for any community centres if I knew it was simply gon na be spent on administration .
22 The opening of the novel is then the story of his ‘ death ’ : the time between ‘ dying ’ and coming back to full consciousness , a period of uncertain length , but possibly covering two years or more .
23 Erm , we are indeed talking to Health Authority about the matters that were mentioned but can I come on to occupational therapists because I 'm very glad to say that erm we are able to recruit occupational therapists in this county .
24 So I do think that the , I do n't think it actually does necessarily come down to glossy brochures , but I think it is a management attitude erm , in terms of mark developing a very much more pro-active marketing approach to going out and competing aggressively in the market place for the contracts .
25 Yep , we 'll come along to anaerobic sludge later .
26 ‘ I did not come back to international rugby just to be the grandad of the B side .
27 What else , before we come on to agricultural products , what , are there any other notable features of trade in manufactures ?
28 In the end environmental issues come down to political decisions on what people want .
29 The problems are ones of ethics , which in turn come down to public attitudes to what life would be like with a mentally handicapped child .
30 These actually come down to common sense , but it still needs to be stressed that the successful study of coinage , as any other historical discipline , should be based on as full a collection of the evidence as possible as well as an awareness that this evidence should never be taken at face value .
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