Example sentences of "come [adv prt] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No , I have n't come down here with suggestions — that would be presumptuous — but with information , or what might be .
2 How many times had come down here with Mickey — dead now , killed in the Rising — to watch the trains come steaming in ?
3 I 'm just wondering whether one or two things that 's come down recently on discipline
4 That 's why no one could come along here on Wednesday night .
5 She used to come down here from London , sometimes just for a meal , sometimes to unwind for a few days , sometimes with some young swain or other , sometimes on her own .
6 Buried deep within the entrails of the US budget compromise is the first apparently successful attempt on Capitol Hill to come down heavily on junk bonds and leveraged buyouts ( LBO ) .
7 But the fifth element that motivated Wall Street appears to have come up only with Norman Rockwell and Jackson Pollock .
8 Erm just to go over the payments for the car park which has come up actually under community industries and the plants , the total being now for plants it was four hundred and forty four pounds er
9 It had come up vaguely in conversation between us .
10 I mean the w the pelican crossing case started with , when I was a councillor before nineteen eighty eight an and it 's a difficult one to detect but if you have n't occasionally come back late at night and there 's no traffic that you can spot it because no vehicle d detect vehicles when there are n't any .
11 Similarly , Allison has come out strongly in favour of assessment , as the following demonstrates :
12 Even a Nobel Prize-winner , Professor H. C. Urey , has come out strongly in support of extra-terrestrial causes for mass extinctions .
13 The normally unpolitical and reticent Australian Academy of Science has come out strongly against construction of the dam .
14 Have you ever gone onto a roundabout being the person on the right , and somebody 's come out straight in front of you ?
15 Her face had come out more like Ella Raines that Gene Tierney .
16 all bit and everything 's come out so of course the horse is running around free and he 's trying to catch it
17 Of the eight , only President Yang Shangkun , Deng 's closest ally and sword-bearer , and Bo Yibo , have come out unequivocally in favour of the new line .
18 For those who prefer to stay on more familiar ground , back to Germany with Baukunst in Brandenburg , scheduled to come out just before Christmas ( DM128 ) .
19 For a wait-and-see approach to work , the patient has to come back regularly for decay or lack of it to be assessed .
20 So you 've come round here to bash-up my young brother ?
21 Wallace came on shortly before time and showed what could have been with some fast ground-oriented attacking .
22 Nevertheless , on the subject of the clash between the normativist and functionalist styles of public law — which emerged in the Franks Committee 's investigations over the question of whether any body responsible for supervising administrative tribunals should be detached from or integrated into the Supreme Courts — the Committee came down firmly in favour of integration .
23 Jane and I think it would be a good idea if you came down here for Christmas .
24 After Schloss Hartheim , which seemed to go on for ever , the three of us moved out of her parents ' house and came down here to Munich and its Alpine air .
25 I was with them in Glasgow as well they were a national company and I came down here from Glasgow .
26 The Permanent Secretary himself , Maurice Holmes , came down closer to Williams than to R. S. Wood ( and nowhere near Cleary ) by ruling that there should be selection and transfer for all at the age of eleven , to schools of various types , with a review at the age of thirteen of all pupils who might have been initially misplaced .
27 Despite all the propaganda , the electorate — often described as petit bourgeois — came down decisively for Nkrumah and the CPP .
28 When the young laird of Dunvegan , Norman Macleod , came down late for breakfast , Johnson ticked him off , saying laziness was worse than toothache : ‘ I have been trying to cure my laziness all my life , and could not do it . ’
29 Mr Scowcroft was , until his appointment , the co-chairman of a committee drawn from the defence elites of both parties , which in February found a form of words that satisfied its wide range of members and came down gently in favour of Midgetman first and rail-MX only later .
30 This came along only in fact in the , in the late nineteen fifties early sixties .
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