Example sentences of "come [adv] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 An agreement to come together as an economic unit was reached by the exiled governments in 1944 , though the scheme did not envisage any political arrangements .
2 However in doing so , it is important that we take time , because time allows people to come together in a sensible way , not to be forced together .
3 The trick is to get all three ingredients to come together in a smooth and easy symmetry .
4 He was pleased to see how well they had all mixed , even though they had admittedly come together with a common purpose .
5 For the first time staff concerned with mapping and interpreting crustal structure in the third dimension have come together in a single division , Thematic Maps and Onshore Surveys ( TMOS ) .
6 The reader might have come away with a Victorian idea of the inexorability of progress , each generation better , finer and braver than its parents .
7 Half a crown And you used to come away with a big piece of flat brisket and if he 's got any sausage left , or bits a of pork pies , he used to shove a bit of that in .
8 She said : ‘ Try and persuade him to come home for a special tea .
9 This was also controlled by a private club , but we were sometimes given a day 's fishing and generally managed to come home with a few trout .
10 People are more likely to come home after a few drinks , light a cigarette and then fall asleep , often with tragic consequences .
11 However , they have come home to a safe place where they know they are loved and that it is safe to have their tantrums .
12 Then she remembered why Nahum had come home in a terrible temper and called her unrepeatable names .
13 Now , as she crossed into Farringdon Street and saw familiar landmarks , she stopped and put down her bag , gazing about her with the pleasure of someone who has come home after a long absence .
14 Erm sometimes if he 's been out very very late and I 'm still up and he 's come home after a heavy night drinking .
15 It was after her mother had come home from a solitary trip to Rome .
16 The rise in the popularity of herbs as medicinal remedies is less obvious but it seems to have come partly from a general dissatisfaction with synthesized drugs , as well as plastics , artificials and chemicals — " manufactured " articles of all kinds , which are being rejected in favour of substances naturally grown and formed by hand into the artifact required .
17 We had come now to a poor area .
18 He 's come here with a fixed idea , which he 's been looking forward to for half his life .
19 Two and a half months earlier Dedjazmatch Abashum had come here with a large force to collect the tribute which the Asaimara were withholding , but he had been afraid to enter Bahdu and had withdrawn .
20 So she had come across as a man-crazy huntress scouting prospects .
21 That would be a mistake : this is one of the most satisfying and interesting CDs I have come across in a long while .
22 ( He has come closest to an antipathetic character as the ex-con in Straight Time , and as a crook in Family Business , two of his biggest commercial failures . )
23 ‘ In fact , I could swear your image-maker wants me to come across as a free spirit , someone who does n't need the convention of a male escort — and I do n't .
24 I mean , there was no way I was going to come across as an anal retentive simply because I had pride in my appearance .
25 Move over Wilf NOT a lot of people might know this , but a Newcastle United player has come closer to an Olympic medal than poor old wobbling Wilf O'Reilly .
26 The paths of two lives , or three to be exact , came together for a little while and then separated .
27 Some thirty graduates of the degree came together for an excellent meal in University House , followed by an informal update from one of the joint organisers of the reunion , Keith Moffitt , on the whereabouts of those who had been unable to attend .
28 1910 is the year in which the Cubist painters , other than Picasso and Braque , came together as a conscious group , although many of them had known each other earlier .
29 I love walking the course , never mind the golf , but on this occasion it all came together with a good score as well .
30 Their work came together at a recent exhibition in Napier 's new KJP Gallery .
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