Example sentences of "come [prep] the [adj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Although Allied have been working steadily to free or sell their required quota of pubs under government rules , few of the disposals have come from the 700-plus London estate of Taylor Walker .
2 The oldest known rocks from the ocean floor come from the western Pacific , but these are only of Jurassic age .
3 So we are very honoured that Mr Austin has bred a rose just for us — a perfect beauty , the closest he has ever come to the old Alba rose , beloved of Redouté , and going back 2,000 years beyond him .
4 He just did not expect to come across the late Norman Britton in the garden of the Ferret and Firkin at half past six in the evening .
5 The mounting protests on all sides came as the outlawed Ulster Freedom Freedom fighters , who claimed responsibility for the four shootings , threatened to step up their murder campaign .
6 Considerable advance came under the Prussian Minister-Director for Higher Education , Friedrich Althoff .
7 The Phoenix 486SX/33 came with the unusual Philips Multimedia SuperVGA display .
8 The Gnostic teacher , Cerinthus , was active in Asia Minor at the time when John wrote , and he taught that the heavenly Christ came upon the human Jesus only at his baptism , and left him before his passion : the union between them only seemed to be real -actually it was merely temporary .
9 Came in the following Sunday morning with a tie on , no shirt or coat , just a tie .
10 The incitement to murder Mr Rushdie came from the late Ayatollah Khomeini for alleged blasphemy in his book The Satanic Verses .
11 But anthropologists proved his theory was wrong ; the islanders came from the western Pacific .
12 John was still only sixteen years old soft is probable that the real initiative for the invasion came from the unscrupulous Geoffrey , now apparently restored to his duchy ; Richard and Geoffrey had been formally reconciled in the summer of 1183 but the memory of the struggle for Limoges obviously still rankled .
13 Mabel , whose mother came from the wealthy de Veres , had by the time of her father 's death married into the Francheville family , and she was not the sort of woman to throw away her rightful inheritance without a struggle .
14 The proposal to change the law in 1925 came from the Scottish FA which , by coincidence , is drafting the measure which is likely to be put before the International Board , the game 's law-making body , during the World Cup next summer .
15 The black fungal mass of her sex quivered , and odd sounds came from the Green Jack 's hollow mouth , like whistling gasps .
16 The big worry for Town is that Arsenal 's goal came from the prolific Ian Wright , his 23rd this season , although it was only The Gunners ' fourth goal in 15 games .
17 Tomdoun , once a staging post on the road to the Isles but cruelly bypassed by the new road , is the last outpost , the road continuing and coming alongside the enlarged Loch Quoich where an isolated clump of rhododendrons is all that remains of Glenquoich Lodge .
18 Coming from the western Pacific Ocean , it appears to be fished from fairly deep water as it usually swims ‘ tail light ’ when first received into aquarium life .
19 Had IBM known back in the early 1980s what it knows now , it would have opened up its VM operating system , which also has its roots in development , but , coming from the button-down IBM world has many more security and management features than Unix started out with .
20 The UDA/UFF is now well-armed , say security sources , with weapons coming from the shadowy Ulster Resistance set up after the signing of the Anglo-Irish Agreement in November 1985 .
21 Coming from the face-fungus-clad Mr Bushell , this is bit like Grace And Favour 's Mr Humphries complaining that Frank Bruno is a bit of a weed .
22 This is our selection : over there now , but coming to the new Europe soon .
23 Then she learned that the Pack would be coming on the following Saturday .
24 Still on the World Cup sevens , the 20 players for the reserve pool provided by the SRU to replace the injured in any of the 24 teams will come from the 30-strong Scotland sevens squad .
25 Still on the World Cup sevens , the 20 players for the reserve pool provided by the SRU to replace the injured in any of the 24 teams will come from the 30-strong Scotland sevens squad .
26 Most of the money will come from the non-profit Atlantic Salmon Federation , with additional donations from public sources .
27 ’ Took his shoes off and Jock come with the Black Maria in the morning .
28 The church has other features too that come from the Moorish Spain of the Middle Ages : above all , the queer openwork stone screens that are set into the window embrasures , hewn crudely but winningly into geometric patterns .
29 Wander through the village and along the lakeside promenade , and you come to the small Schafbergbahn railway , which winds its way to the top of the Schafberg mountain behind the village .
30 This is the same as the main route until you come to the Great Moss area , but where you cross over the River Esk , continue to follow the river to its source at Esk Hause , where you rejoin the main route .
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