Example sentences of "come [prep] [art] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In Canada , Siberia , and the Far East , in the trans-Andean regions of Latin America and in Africa , the heroic building period was to come in the years when the railways stood on the threshold of being overtaken by new transportation developments , the internal combustion engine and later the aeroplane .
2 In vase-painting the late work of the Pioneers and the formation of a new generation of masters seem to come in the years around 500 .
3 Well I was thinking of things like witchcraft , which would seem a rather a luxury fringe subject , but some of the most fascinating research that 's been done recently in my period of early modern history has been showing how witchcraft erm was the second most important erm crime to come before the courts apart from theft in , in my period , and in exploring why witchcraft had this appeal you 're learning much more about the age .
4 The class has to come to the cameras rather than the camera going into the classroom .
5 Griffith had come to the movies quite late in life and he came as a man whose varied experiences and whose accumulated opinions , myths , and prejudices had given him a sense of America and of himself as having a place in it .
6 The little one 's heard Mummy pull up on the drive and has come down the stairs well before anyone could say anything he got it out .
7 Yeah oh yes he oh and he was erm being better educated than the majority of people in the Pleck he used to stand outside the Brown Lion to read the newspaper out to them cos they could n't read , and he attended all the weddings , all the funerals and er made the wills out and he almost was the father confessor for the Pleck , and when the old steam tram came off the lines down in the Pleck , when there was a steam train coming through there , he was the man who put it on the rails again .
8 It was about noon when I came through the trees out on to the shingle of the beach with the chapel .
9 He came through the bushes so I in his head .
10 Other peaks came during the months following the prohibited times of Advent and Lent .
11 The dogs that came with the Romans probably mated with the indigenous population , helping to form many of the breeds we know today .
12 At the moment there is n't even a charging regulations came in the schools immediately cut back because it was a very definite barrier that was put up to prevent schools that prevented schools from from taking up that sort of er offer that they had done in the past and it 's a major problem .
13 Twenty minutes later , carrying a carefully packaged beautiful glass vase which she knew her parents — well , her mother in particular — were just going to love , Fabia came down the stairs again and , stepping out into the colonnade , bumped right into none other than Lubor Ondrus .
14 Even Boddy , who had been telling Westerman as they came down the stairs how he had been at Bad Godesberg in 1938 just two days after Hitler and Chamberlain had left , trailed away into silence .
15 The speech came over the wires so late and the sheets were so confused by the Post Office — which is usual in these cases — that without the precis we could not possibly have got the leader through in time for the first edition .
16 Her eyes scanned the first page quickly , taking in the expected account of how Ellen had looked after Oreste as her own , but when she came to the reasons why he had not been handed over to Gigia , Wilson slowed down and even repeated the words to herself .
17 Patrick Dunn was unmarried , forty four and came to the police late after a teaching career .
18 That day , while being shown round the Zoo by the Foreman , he came to the Cages just as a female golden eagle was being put in one of them .
19 Question five , coming off the pantomimes now
20 We could hear them coming up the stairs right to our door and then shouting and hammering on it .
21 It looks as if their all coming back , their all coming from the shops where their usually their going .
22 The voice was soft and feminine , coming from the shadows directly in front of him .
23 One can think of a number of cases which are coming before the courts where there 's been a lot of publicity and I 'm sure that the legal teams involved in those cases will be studying this judgement er and will be considering whether or not those principles ca n't be applied to their cases .
24 Er she used to start coming round the wards about ten o'clock .
25 I 'd have seen it if I 'd been coming down the stairs instead of in the lift .
26 I mean , pardon me , it 's not my habit , you understand , to pick up on other people 's phone conversations , I was just coming down the stairs here , I could n't — ‘
27 the the flats is er a a no go area sort of thing and a kid 'll come along and spray summat on a wall and next day three kids 'll come along and spray things on the wall , so that you 've got more and more graffiti going all over the place , more and more rubbish , more and more people coming to the flats just to get into trouble .
28 Would it come through the fields faster than they could run , and hunt them down ?
29 That is where the real revolution comes in the days following Wittgenstein .
30 The case comes before the Magistrates again in June .
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