Example sentences of "come [adv] to [art] school " in BNC.

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1 For every complaint that you have there may be 20 dissatisfied people that have n't actually come up to the school to make their feelings known — they do n't even tell you that they are upset .
2 After wartime service in the RAF he had come back to the School , and with his friends Mr. Norris and Mr. Hardie had helped to introduce Rugby to the School .
3 He says a boy had gone away for a weekend and had come back to the school with the tablets and then sold them .
4 it came through to the school
5 First they gather information about their neighbourhood before coming back to the school to translate their ideas , ( in best Blue Peter fashion ) with glue , cloth , cigarette packets , and other recyclable materials , into a colourful collage clock .
6 Course it 's worth bothering because a lot of young men that was unemployed come down to the school where I 'm the caretaker and they said , we know that you 're running short is there any chance of getting in on the scene ?
7 And as soon as I got a little older , I tell you , they 'd sell a horse , and my father hopped on the bike , come over to the school and got me out ; and I come home here , hopped on the old horse 's back and rode to Yarmouth or Norwich , wherever they sold it .
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