Example sentences of "come [prep] she [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Ada Thompson who knew Herbert Varley who was married to a Jewish girl , asked Daisy , one dank and drizzling November afternoon two years ago , to come with her to the Mandelbaums ' .
2 So she asked Curtis and Mrs Files — who had been watching Delia Sutherland 's reaction from the service door — to come with her into the morning room where she explained the situation as frankly as possible .
3 A wonderful change had come over her since the episode with the cockchafers .
4 Although Blanche had been sad standing there in Mother 's empty flat , she had been overtaken then by the same feeling she sensed come over her in the interrogation room that night after Taczek had left .
5 So it had come to her on the previous day , and came again now , the whiff , or stroke , of solitude , as her final hope for Patrick 's life was extinguished .
6 He had come to her in the night .
7 Nothing came for her by the first post .
8 Four times a day the nurse came towards her across the wide spaces of lino with the shiny basin containing the rattling metal syringe .
9 Almost always she answered ‘ yes ’ because she had come to prefer lying still , with his soft sleeping body behind her , breathing the night air scented with pine wood and wild thyme as it came to her through the open shutters , and listening to the faraway ululation of the Borzoi dog chained beneath the walls of the Castello Crocetto .
10 Voices from the breakfast table came to her through the open window .
11 A picture came to her of the shaggy wanderers huddling together in the bus shelter at the top of the road where she had been born and bred .
12 It was an insight which came to her on the spur of the moment .
13 Lightness and truth came to her with the wind 's speed .
14 These images came to her from the metal engravings of the conquest of Libya which had appeared in the illustrated journals ; she did not remember the different countries of the Italian empire in question , for all of Africa — Libya , Somalia , Eritrea alike — beat out a rhythm of adventure and spoils and heroism .
15 Picasso 's grand-daughter , Marina , is selling forty-eight of his works which came to her in the share-out among the family of his estate , and which are normally kept at the Geneva freeport warehouse .
16 The door was slammed wide , and he came at her with the speed of the vehicle that should have killed him two nights before .
17 ‘ He came at her from the front then ? ’
18 And it was then that she saw Christie Goldsborough coming towards her along the path , his spectacular , fur-lined driving-cape swinging loose around his shoulders , his feet encased in the finest quality leather , his carriage — a shiny , high-perch sporting phaeton — waiting for him just there , in the road beyond the church wall , whenever he had a mind to take the reins in his gloved hands and go dashing off to drink champagne and eat bride-cake at Frizingley Hall .
19 Tim and Oliver were on the balcony , their voices coming to her across the warm stillness .
20 Every sound , every movement , told her what he was doing … the shoes placed neatly side by side , the braces flicked down over his shoulders , the trousers carefully folded and laid across the back of the wicker chair , his footsteps coming to her over the creaking floorboards ; every sound , every movement … he was touching her now , warm , tickling , smooth , his naked body moving up and down against her , his voice in her ear , soft and loving , fingers probing , his mouth on hers ; the gasp of excitement when he entered her , jabbing , hard , growing excited .
21 And of course , it took her no time to work out that precisely the opposite would apply to the beams coming at her from the front of the craft .
22 I used to dream that , one day , I would come to her with the girl I was going to marry . ’
23 How did you come across her in the first place ? ’
24 She and the island have become one ; its hopes come to her in the wind bending the palm fronds on the beach , making the halyards sing against the masts in the bay , in the tree frogs ' piping , the rattle of the fleshy leaves of the saman .
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