Example sentences of "come [prep] [art] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Carwyn desperately wanted to come through a few heats of the Pipeline Masters .
2 The son of Caerleon is a progressive type , apparently certain to come of a few pounds for that introduction , and should be good enough to take the Queen 's Own Yorkshire Dragoons Stakes .
3 It is undeniable that a great deal of important and fundamental research has come from the several centres of excellence in the USA .
4 It is interesting that recent research has come to the same conclusions as Golding as to the usefulness of such modes of thought : The deployment of simile , underlexicalisation and metaphor thus makes a major contribution to the exposition of the novel 's thematic concern with the linked development of thought and language in the people .
5 Last autumn he came within a few minutes of death when he slashed his wrists with a razor blade .
6 In any case , how could she look into his eyes and convince him she would n't touch him with a ten-foot pole when every time he came within a few feet of her she quivered inside , remembering the fierce and all too brief pressure of his mouth on hers ?
7 As she came within a few yards of it , however , a shudder passed down its spine , and it rolled over , showing its face to the sleet .
8 The bad news came within a few days ; there was no place available to him at Oxford this year in the Martinmas term .
9 Everyone of the gang was known to the police and the first arrests came within a few days :
10 The reply came in a few minutes ago listing ten different countries with which he does business . ’
11 Jock Lewes came in a few days later with a different tale to tell .
12 A new chairman came in a few months ago .
13 Jonquil came in every few days .
14 There was a happy burble of voices which came from a few children discussing some design they were doing .
15 If the fish are obtained from the same area the chances are that they all came from the same parents .
16 An Armenian whose family came from Erzerum or Kars is neighbour to other Armenians whose parents or grandparents came from the same towns , just as Palestinians from Haifa — or from Mrs Zamzam 's village of Um Al-Farajh — now live in refugee camps next to those whose homes were in the same places , sometimes in the very same streets , in what was Palestine .
17 Although they spoke German and came from the same backgrounds as their charges , they were often young and inexperienced and unprepared for the demands of the work .
18 He came to no more meals , and Roland feared Fergus thought this was a function of his , Roland 's , resentment .
19 The Times , more restrained , came to the same conclusions : ‘ To most sensible , rational people , a verdict which depends on the evidence of a man like Mathews , in the circumstances in which he gave that evidence , can not be safe . ’
20 As we turned another corner we came across a few villagers handling copra .
21 Bearing in mind that if we do have the whole house then people are only coming for a few days or or even one night could no they had somewhere to stay .
22 and if you 're coming for a few days you 've , you 've bag carrying and all this in the business
23 cummings and Edwin Morgan are , however , splendidly useful , and if practitioners keep coming across the same texts , it has to be remembered that students may very well be meeting them for the first time .
24 Could you come for a few hours each day , do you think ? ’
25 ‘ Maybe he just sent the telegram and a letter will come after a few days , ’ Maggie tried to soothe .
26 This point is proved by describing the vehicle concerned and making sure it does not come with the many exemptions .
27 As the company is worth less than £30 million , it does not come under the same rules as the water authority when privatised .
28 One need not come to the same conclusions now as one did two years ago .
29 His complete acceptance of the ‘ protest ’ in ‘ Protestant ’ did not come till a few years later when some leading members of his Mount Merrion , Belfast , congregation insisted that he object to the Church 's ‘ street corner boy ’ activities of picketing the Irish Presbyterian Church General Assembly .
30 Here she continues : ‘ A Mr. Lewis , an historic painter from London , come for a few weeks on a jaunt of pleasure , played on the piano for us .
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