Example sentences of "think of all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When one thinks of all the PM 's work these last four and a half years and of all he is and stands for , and that this is the response it gets , it makes one lose faith a bit .
2 Elinor sometimes thought of all the love and the hatred , the treachery and the killing that this hall had undoubtedly seen , when strong men fought hand-to-hand to the death , to protect their women and children .
3 ‘ No , ’ I said , and hated myself for telling the untruth , but I was thinking of my own boat standing propped on the sand of Straker 's Cay , and I thought of all the work I had lavished on Masquerade , and of all the love and care and time I had poured into her , and I tried to imagine her rotting under the tropical sun with her paint peeling , her deck planks opening and her timbers riddled with termites .
4 As he threw it into the sea , watching the water swallow up his past month 's work , he thought of all the walking he was soon to do .
5 For a moment he wondered about her , what she thought of all the ribbing and chipping that she received almost every day in this place .
6 Think of all the malpractice suits . ’
7 It sickens me every time I think of all the money Caliban has won ; and of all the other people like him who win money .
8 No I was gon na say , when you think of all the money that 's spent with these very elaborate er headstones erm creations showing angels looking down on them , plonking at their harps and god knows what .
9 I mean when I think of all the money that was poured into my education and nobody ever mentioned the kind of decisions one would have to make in the future and the problems you would have in trying to make use both of your education and have children and have the happy family life that our society encourages you to have and that we all perhaps want .
10 Suicide will inevitably follow , but think of all the fun you will have getting there !
11 " Think of all the fun doing it up .
12 Think of all the division in the Christian family which mocks the idea of us as a reconciled body .
13 And think of all the publicity .
14 ‘ When I think of all the time they 've wasted , trying to prove me guilty while the real killer goes free … ’
15 As we sat in the ATV canteen after recording the first eight episodes of The Power Game , he said : ‘ Think of all the fame stored up in those rolls of tape .
16 Think of all the information your eyes collect for you as you walk in the street , talk to someone , catch a train , read a newspaper , take part in a meeting .
17 I tend to think of all the convenience food as junk but I 'm sure some must be better than others . ’
18 I was thinking of all the work I needed to do on Masquerade ; all the painstaking hours of sawing and planing and caulking and rigging .
19 I 'm just thinking of all the hacking about .
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