Example sentences of "think she [vb past] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't think she had much time for him .
2 ‘ We could check the off-licence , I suppose , though I did n't think she had any money . ’
3 I do n't think she had any experience but she became friendly with Eleanor Fawcett who had , and Vera borrowed our cheese press .
4 ‘ Miranda thinks she settled this bill months ago , does n't she ? ’ he yelled .
5 Obviously Rune must have thought she harboured some grudge against him and had been anxious to prevent a potential display of hostility in front of his colleagues the next day .
6 Her first step was to leave the kitchen exactly as he left it ; if he thought she had any intention of clearing his mess up behind him , then Luther was very much mistaken .
7 I thought she said local library actually .
8 Mary thought she liked this boy , although he seemed so strange .
9 He had been in the habit , as he left in the mornings , of saying , ‘ Well , I 'm off to work now , ’ until one day , shortly before she deserted , she had , at those words , slammed shut the door of the dishwasher with a crash that shattered a wine glass and shouted at him : she had inquired , without much originality , what he thought she did all day , whether he imagined that cooking and shopping and washing and minding the child was not work , whether he supposed that she would now retire to her bed and lie there sucking chocolate bars and examining her fingernails until he chose to return for dinner .
10 I think she had this lady had tried to drown herself in the quay before that .
11 ‘ I think she had some idea , that 's why she chose the gynae clinic .
12 cos I was in here and er I think she had some paint in her hand
13 Eight o'clock I think she said last night .
14 I think she saved more money that week on food .
15 I think she paid eight pound for it , and it , it looks raincoat .
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