Example sentences of "think of [adj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What would the angels think of such a name ?
2 Whatever one may think of such a position , it at least had the merit of being internally consistent .
3 I am dumbfounded you should even think of such a thing with that lovely new cream gown hanging in your wardrobe and I should have been so happy to lend you my pearls .
4 How could she think of such a thing ?
5 If you could please now think of all the products available to stamp collectors .
6 Another approach is to let children think of all the words and expressions involving a particular word , such as ‘ seeing ’ or ‘ looking ’ .
7 When one thinks of all the PM 's work these last four and a half years and of all he is and stands for , and that this is the response it gets , it makes one lose faith a bit .
8 John thinks of all the men screwing in the trees behind Jack Straw 's Castle .
9 He believed that the creatures inside the Grail Castle must not breed , for it was not to be thought of that the nightmare perpetuated by the sorcerers should be passed on .
10 But to resist ecstasy : who would have thought of such a thing ?
11 It was in fact the first time she had thought of such a thing , and it did not seem to be a very good idea , but nothing irritated her more than being addressed in that Listen With Mother voice ( particularly as her daughter-in-law spoke to her children quite normally ) and it goaded her to contrariness .
12 I had not thought of such a thing .
13 Elinor sometimes thought of all the love and the hatred , the treachery and the killing that this hall had undoubtedly seen , when strong men fought hand-to-hand to the death , to protect their women and children .
14 Otherwise his life would not have been possible , because he only thought of that every night , and every day too . ’
15 What Edward Plantagenet thought of that the folk in Berwick could only guess .
16 ‘ No , ’ I said , and hated myself for telling the untruth , but I was thinking of my own boat standing propped on the sand of Straker 's Cay , and I thought of all the work I had lavished on Masquerade , and of all the love and care and time I had poured into her , and I tried to imagine her rotting under the tropical sun with her paint peeling , her deck planks opening and her timbers riddled with termites .
17 But Neil 's world lay in ruins about him , as he thought of all the lies which McAllister had told him , and listening to Havvie began to wonder where the truth lay .
18 The songs came back to her now , and she thought of all the things she had n't had : a junior prom , dates , valentines , flowers .
19 When William had gone , she thought of all the things she had planned to do as soon as she had a little time to herself .
20 She thought of all the things she did n't like to do , the sewing and painting and practising , and then she tried to think of the days at home she had enjoyed most and unbidden , pictures came to her mind of the farm and the sheep and the days on the hill with her father .
21 It was impossible not to notice how aroused he had become , and she thought of all the women who would envy her for being in this situation .
22 She thought of all the changes the news would make in her life as she walked to Egremont Street and wondered how soon her brothers and friends and dancing partners would be called up .
23 She thought of all the rats scurrying through the streets , hustling for a crust .
24 As he threw it into the sea , watching the water swallow up his past month 's work , he thought of all the walking he was soon to do .
25 When her father was being stern with her , and she hid her face from the camera in the pillow on the morning before her wedding , he thought of all the arguments that he would have used to persuade her to get up and face the situation .
26 She looked back over her three years at college , now slowly approaching their close , and she thought of all the people she had known and all the friends she had made , and it seemed to her that most of them had been aiming with varying degrees of accuracy at just such an effect .
27 I thought of all the people called Gray that I knew , not many really for such a common name .
28 Asik became angry as he thought of all the people in his village who could have been saved by the fruit in the lorry which had just passed him , throwing up bucketfuls of dust into his face .
29 For a moment he wondered about her , what she thought of all the ribbing and chipping that she received almost every day in this place .
30 Sheffield , like Rome , is built on seven hills and I had to cross most of them , anger fuelling my journey as I thought of all the excuses I 'd swallowed .
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