Example sentences of "my [noun pl] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With this in mind , I sent my plans to the Special Air Service Regiment , reputedly the best collective authority in Britain on desert survival , and asked them to comment .
2 ‘ I put my views to the Chief Secretary , ’ he said calmly , ‘ before he left for London .
3 However , David Chadwick , a member of the Liberal Democrats group on the council , said : ‘ All my requests to the chief executive of the council for financial details about this company have been turned down .
4 As so often occurs in these situations , I had become blind to the obvious — that is , until my pondering over the implications of Miss Kenton 's letter finally opened my eyes to the simple truth : that these small errors of recent months have derived from nothing more sinister than a faulty staff plan .
5 I had better go now and pay my respects to the petty bourgeoisie .
6 I felt like kissing the dinghy , and I 'm not sure that I did n't put my lips to the rough friendly fabric of her snub nose .
7 My thanks also are due to Miss Mary Burkett and her staff at Abbot Hall , from whom I have had help and co-operation since the start of the survey in 1975 ; to Mr B. C. Jones and Miss S. J. MacPherson , County Archivists , of the County Records Office , who have given generous help and advice ; ; to Marie Hartley and Joan Ingilby , whose book first aroused my interest in the stocking trade ; to my fellow members of the Lancashire and Lakes Guild of Spinners , Weavers and Dyers for encouragement and support ; to my granddaughter , Anne Allen , who took the photographs , ( except where otherwise stated ) ; to my daughter , Jan Hare , who typed the manuscript ; to my friends , Penelope Porter , Kathryn Allen and Mary Sutherland , who gave technical advice , reviewed text and read proofs ; Elizabeth Edwards and Kathleen Drummond for advice and information , and above all my thanks to the many kind people who live where there are galleries , and who have put up with my enquiries with such patience and kindness .
8 I am distraught to learn of the demise of your mother and shut my ears to the ugly rumour that you had her put to death so that you could take up ballet-dancing .
9 I walk into my dining room at 9.26 this morning , just to say my goodbyes to the little lady .
10 I will give half my belongings to the poor , and if I have cheated anyone , I will pay him back four times as much ’ , that Jesus exclaims , ‘ Salvation has come to this house today … ’
11 I 'll build my own museum in Pittsburgh , or someplace else , or give my paintings to the National Gallery in London .
12 To each his fun in his own way , of course , but I much prefer to use my ferrets to the full , clearing each burrow in turn as I come to it .
13 Accordingly I directed my researches to the first steps on the ladder , the branch and workshop .
14 MY compliments to the recent local government election candidates , successful or otherwise , and will they now see to it that their earnest phizzogs are removed forthwith from all neighbourhood telegraph poles , lamp standards and walls .
15 I accustomed my pupils to the tiny hard lenses — building up their resistance fastidiously for an extra hour per day — then lost one down the sink and the other down the Holborn Public Baths .
16 I accustomed my pupils to the tiny hard lenses — building up their resistance fastidiously for an extra hour per day — then lost one down the sink and the other down the Holborn Public Baths .
17 I also wish to put on record my congratulations to the Select Committee and its Chairman for their hard work .
18 My congratulations to the Daily Mirror for exposing the horrors in Britain 's safari parks .
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