Example sentences of "my [noun pl] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I enjoy having my work and my cases in the national press .
2 Neither my wins in the European Championships and European Cup nor my two British records had ever made the front page — but the fact that I would n't run in a relay team had .
3 Instinctively , I dipped my fingers in the holy water and crossed myself , remembering the Catholic aunt in South Armagh who 'd raised me for a while as a child and had anguished over my black little Protestant soul .
4 One of my contemporaries in the English Department was , now Professor of Linguistics in the School of English and American Studies at the University of East Anglia .
5 The result , agreed in a hard-hitting threeminute session involving no agents , or even contracts , is that my performances in the coming cricket season have a price on them .
6 In defence of some of my clients in the national museums and galleries , I should point out that , for example , the Victoria and Albert museum has been able to extend its opening hours .
7 The fact is , I feel as if ten years worry has been taken off my shoulders in the last ten minutes , and I 'm a little light-headed about it . ’
8 From this discussion of London Creole we turn now to look at the London English of my informants in the next chapter .
9 From my experiences in the Occupied Countries I could tell she was starved .
10 ‘ Even if I just get one of my feet in the wrong position it really messes me about and it 's easy for that foot to just flick off the peg . ’
11 The difference was that , having applied my colours in the same direct way , drawing from the end and edge of the pastel stick .
12 In all my years in the Civil Service no one has ever brought a camera into the office and started taking snapshots !
13 My years in the American Embassy in Brussels had been well spent .
14 Is he aware that my constituents in the retail industry will take careful note of his response to the hon. Member for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) on the devastating effects that the minimum wage would have on that industry ?
15 Let us consider what he has achieved , for example , for my farmers in the less-favoured areas .
16 I thought little about this prospect or indeed , about the opposition , as I was not intending to go the full distance after my exertions in the previous day 's 10K .
17 Overall , though , I was left with the desire to dip my toes in the shallow end of home recording ; it looks fun as well as potentially rewarding .
18 I , I 've been in Germany recently , selling. , I took a number of our British products over and I saw half a ton of my cheeses in the German supermarket .
19 Er sorry getting all my digits in the wrong place .
20 I made a point of playing all my players in the first two days .
21 I would like you to represent my interests in the above project as someone whose private property may be adversely affected by the construction of a barrage across the river Usk by Newport Borough Council .
22 I would be grateful if you could try to protect my interests in the same way .
23 My ancestors in the Scottish islands used to farm seaweed and if they 'd had our technology they could have made a dish like you 're eating now .
24 You know , when I was bringing up my children in the early seventies I read about the the mergence of the new working woman , you know , how to balance a career and a home and children , and I could n't for the life of me think what was new about this working woman !
25 After a reasonable second class in Part I of the mathematics Tripos I transferred to theology : my tutor , Fred Marsh , gave me a deep love and critical understanding of the Old Testament , but was realistic about my chances in the theological Tripos .
26 Of course , the experiment was not conclusive — as any inspection of my criteria in the last chapter would make clear .
27 I know my colleagues in the creative department do not agree .
28 I think that er that is a question better directed towards the French , possibly my colleagues in the foreign office but my understanding is that the French assembly have indeed er approved ratification er but the French government i is declining er to append the appropriate signatures to it er er until agreement over the erm the parliament building at at Strasbourg is completed erm but my honourable friend I think in true parliamentary form , asks questions to which he already feels he knows pretty well what the answer is and I suspect that my answer squares with what he knows already .
29 Uncle says to nephew : ‘ I intend to give you my shares in the Super Company on your twenty-first birthday .
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