Example sentences of "my [noun sg] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's been on my heart for a long time to save .
2 He told them , ‘ Everyone had a codename in those days and , because of my admiration for the Irish struggle for Independence , I chose ‘ Michael ’ , a name I called myself after Michael Collins . ’
3 I yield to no one in my admiration for the great Iron Duke himself , but my favourite general of the Napoleonic wars was General Kutuzov .
4 As for my right hon. Friend 's personal position , may I express my admiration for the frank and manly way in which he has offered his resignation ?
5 Now … in my enthusiasm for the anecdotal aspect of all this I have neglected to mention the other half of Goffmann 's analysis of remedial procedure .
6 That was due to my enthusiasm for the excellent achievements of my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister at Maastricht .
7 I was taken from the cellar in Beirut and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my skin for the first time in a thousand days .
8 Dacourt looked at me under lowered brows as if recognising my existence for the first time .
9 I left my sack for a third time clipped to Sal and relished the cool caress of wind around my back as I finally found out how to enjoy myself on the steep granite of the ridge .
10 So began my search for a suitable bird .
11 ‘ He 'll probably report me , and that will be the end of my search for a perfect summer . ’
12 My search for the right kind of toy cannon .
13 I drove out of Newtown and went to begin my search for the mysterious man on the moor .
14 I just felt like I would have given my right arm to be there with a camera — and that stayed in my mind for a long time . ’
15 ‘ This has been in my mind for a long , long time .
16 Ill just go out of the house without a word , and stay at my club for a few days .
17 Not a chance of course — I was stuck there in my seat for the next five or six hours .
18 I could n't do anything about Nassim 's cousin being in Pakistan , I reasoned as I rinsed my mouth for the hundredth time .
19 My ambition for the Royal Court is simply to create the most exciting theatre in London .
20 I 'd been so preoccupied with the physical results of my condition for the last hour that I 'd forgotten its other effects .
21 Having applied in June 1991 for recognition of my doctorate , which I obtained in Paris , I presented my candidacy for a CSIC post as a palaeobotanist .
22 ‘ Will you pretend to be my girlfriend for the next few months ? ’
23 It is thus that I arrive at my multiplier for the whole life of eighteen .
24 During my annual medical check-up in 1987 , Dr Dingle discovered a blood irregularity , but as I was fighting fit he said it was probably just a virus and I was to forget about it during my impending holiday and to see him on my return for a second blood test .
25 I said , ‘ You have n't seen my work for the past year , have you ? ’
26 I have been studeously avoiding doing my work for the last few hours .
27 These mountains fall to the east to the flat expanse of the plateau , where San'a , the ancient capital , rests : my home for the following two and a half years .
28 The cab driver dumped me outside my home for the next three months .
29 I registered in Room 304 which came to be my home for the next three years .
30 I was just let off for an afternoon to sit my first year Sociology exam and then I came into the hospital that was to be my home for the next three years .
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