Example sentences of "now the [noun] 's [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now the slave 's ghost was helping push Yeremi upward …
2 King George III ( 1760–1820 ) collected what is now the King 's Library in the British Library , and Queen Mary herself had a library of nearly five thousand volumes by the end of her life .
3 And is n't he now the EETPU 's head of communications ?
4 A niece of the former Labour minister Douglas Jay and first cousin of Peter Jay , the former British ambassador in Washington who is now the BBC 's economics editor , her ratings went up in certain quarters when she once said of Mrs Thatcher : ‘ She is not the sort of person one would invite to dinner . ’
5 Subsequently , Ernest Melling ( now the Federation 's secretary ) stood for Blackburn 's staunchly Labour Trinity ward on a pensioner 's independent ticket .
6 River pollution nearly wiped out eel stocks in the Thames , but now the water 's cleaner it 's set for a revival .
7 Steve Tshwete , himself a former flanker and now the ANC 's chief of sport , told RW&P in an exclusive interview to be published next month , that sportsmen would be expected to ‘ take the field wearing armbands and stickers on their kits showing their commitment to peace and democracy in South Africa ’ and to ‘ show their support for out struggle by visiting the scene of the Boipatong massacre ’ .
8 He went on to briefly visit the memorial to the 21 who died outside the vast shipyards where Lech Walesa , now the country 's president , made his name as head of Solidarity .
9 Now the council 's finance , housing and legal staff are reviewing procedures in an effort to collect the cash .
10 Ironically , in view of what had happened fifty years earlier , it was now the School 's success which precipitated the next crisis .
11 Now the Queen 's household cavalry have offered to look after the horse and it 'll be transported to its new home early next year .
12 Sadly , the forests of Sulawesi , as everywhere else in the Oriental Region , are under threat from the axe and now the logger 's chainsaw .
13 Now the girl 's face paled .
14 Now the board 's successor , the Greater London Council , says that Victorian ‘ infrastructure ’ — the sewers , water mains , railway lines and the rest that serve the capital — needs replacing .
15 Now the river 's flow varies on a daily basis , according to demands for hydroelectric power at the dam , and never reaches spring flood proportions .
16 The bill 's most contentious provision , which has polarised the profession 's two branches , sets up a framework for solicitors to appear in the higher courts , now the barrister 's preserve .
17 Mr Chan , now the government 's Secretary for Trade and Industry , has been a civil servant since 1964 — almost all his working life , with the exception of a two-year excursion as executive director and general manager of a local finance company in 1978-80 .
18 On either side of it are wells which are never dry ; one is now the Museum 's wishing well .
19 He says that until now the company 's marketing drive has ‘ not been Telepoint led ’ , and instead pitched at selling the handsets as ‘ a quality cordless phone ’ .
20 By now most readers will know that I will have left Woodworker as you read this , and indeed by now the editor 's chair supports the capable frame of Zach Taylor .
21 When discussing the lessons , problems and failures arising from the disciplinary hearings of the former General Nursing Councils , Reg Pyne , now the UKCC 's director for professional conduct , extends this obligation to nurse managers :
22 It is now the driver 's responsibility to ensure that all 4–14 year olds wear rear seat belts if they are fitted and that under 4s use appropriate restraints if they are available .
23 Russia , not Germany , was now the West 's enemy ; Adenauer was emerging as a loyal ally who could provide substantial armed forces in the front line against Russia ; and American people wanted to see that Europeans would help to defend themselves ( not least because Congress had been assured in 1949 that NATO did not imply a costly , long-term commitment to Europe 's defence ) .
24 On principle , Hurley refused to share information with the Germans and British , except when he needed their cooperation for controlled deliveries through Frankfurt and London , but , braving his disapproval , Coleman made a point of renewing his friendship with Hartmut Mayer , the German police officer whom he had met in Munich during the 1972 Olympics and who was now the BKA 's liaison officer on Cyprus .
25 Now the county 's trading standards department is planning to ensure that traders have no excuse for breaking the law .
26 By now the Emperor 's army was approaching from the south , led by one of his most able generals , Marshal Otto Blucher .
27 Now the Collector 's finger was pointing at other objects , including even those belonging to himself .
28 Now the area 's MP is calling for a full inquiry into why this is still happening .
29 Now the area 's MP is calling for a full inquiry into why this is still happening .
30 ‘ The doctor came from London last night , so now the ship 's company is complete .
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