Example sentences of "now [verb] [prep] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After closing the door , she stood leaning against it , the linen now pressed against her body , her hands crossed over it .
2 Lady Selvedge , she now realised to her surprise , was wearing low-heeled walking shoes , not really quite the thing with her elaborately draped velvet toque but eminently sensible .
3 So , like Prince Charles and thousands of less well known amateur artists , Kylie now sits at her easel and loses herself in another world .
4 But the sound she now made in her throat brought both Aggie and Ben 's eyes on her , and as she turned and fled from the room and Ben made to go after her , Aggie 's voice halted him , saying firmly , ‘ Leave her be !
5 But the mother-of-three is now recovering at her home in Dalkey near Dublin and expects to have to wear a lightweight cast for only another five weeks .
6 We watched with admiration as Alice our skater , now recovering from her ordeal and the fact that her son was a girl , began to unpack the beautiful Swiss lace gowns she had brought with her .
7 Miss Godfrey , who was shocked but otherwise unharmed , is now recovering from her ordeal .
8 He would return to her , to beg her pardon for so basely misjudging her , and they would find again the former ease of friendship , the lack of which now gaped in her life like an open wound .
9 She now has in her possession a Vox Standard 25 , a Yamaha SG3000 , two acoustics and two Fender Jaguars , a 1963 and a 1968 model .
10 She was in hospital for almost a year and now lives with her son in an adapted bungalow for disabled people run by social services in Gwent .
11 Still actively politically , she now lives with her boyfriend in a one-bed apartment in Atlanta .
12 One of these types now rose from her chair and came over to where we were sitting .
13 At this Agnes now turned on her mother , crying , ‘ Yes , I 'll tell you , Mother .
14 Madeleine was now absorbed in her task .
15 Her own mother was now living with her son who had married a Polish girl from Hoboken .
16 He had known the writer Hope Mirrlees for some years , at first through her friendship with the Woolfs ( the Hogarth Press had published her long poem , Paris , three years before The Waste Land ) , and she was now living with her mother and spinster aunt .
17 She liked the clothes I supplied for her and we now collaborate on her wardrobe . ’
18 The court heard that Mrs. White , who is now separated from her husband , has taken steps to combat her alcohol problem and is paying off all her debts .
19 Cynthia could not speak for the sobs that now came from her throat .
20 He rolls away from Marjorie , who , now lying on her back , begins to snore faintly .
21 All the natural grace in her now flowed through her body , unspoiled by her bursts of youthful energy .
22 She and her husband moved to Essex after the first of the three children was born , and have stayed in the same house since , Mary busying herself with a multitude of activities locally , and now caring for her husband since his stroke .
23 Neil dropped his cane , and turned towards the victim , now transformed into her attacker 's Nemesis .
24 Isabella is now transformed in her part .
25 Her mother announced that she was now going to her lady friend and put grandfather 's money in her bag .
26 Mrs Thatcher remains totally opposed to the idea of a ‘ third zero , ’ the elimination of short- range nuclear weapons , and believes the Soviet Union has now rallied to her view .
27 She stared at her reflection and saw a woman whom the gods were now punishing for her temerity in declaring she would never be in the grip of uncontrollable emotion , and here she was … here she was …
28 The girl moved from her mother 's side , but now looked towards her father , and he , staring at her , said , ‘ If you go to that place I 'll never forgive you .
29 Not that Luke needed any sartorial props ; he was just naturally sensuously exciting as she had always suspected , and now knew to her cost .
30 Nothing had changed , except she could now admit to her love .
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