Example sentences of "no more [subord] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I am running a 1986 V8 County 90 which at 25,000 miles has no more than normal backlash in the transmission line , yet a most irritating noise has developed which can only be described as a clunk that occurs whenever I apply or lift off the throttle in any gear .
2 The Secretaryship had to be exercised in person , but the other three involved no more than complex routine duties and could be delegated .
3 A typical pack will have a capacity of 500 mAH which , in a collective pitch model employing five servos and a gyro , may have a fully charged life of only 20–25 minutes and certainly no more than 1 hour .
4 Arrange the shells on an oiled baking tray , season them and brush each shell lightly with a little oil — use no more than 1 tablespoon in all .
5 ‘ Your little green chaps are no more than that snake really , are n't they ?
6 He , no more than General Christison in Java , was able to operate in a political vacuum but at least the French in Saigon were treated as allies rather than as one-time enemies although , in the absence of sufficient numbers of Frenchmen , Japanese troops were required to fight Vietnamese who , as in Hanoi , were intent on the politics of a fait accompli .
7 Other criticisms focus on massaging of the data , in the form of simplification of ape utterances in their reporting , so as ( probably unwittingly ) to make them look more like human utterances than the hodge-podges they really are ; and re-analysis of unedited films of ‘ discussions ’ with the apes , showing just what a high proportion of the exchanges embody no more than unconscious cueing by the human experimenter , slavish imitation by the ape , or his redundant expansion and embroidery of their exchanges without commensurate amplification of information conveyed .
8 For the two women , Bumface 's dismissal merited no more than perfunctory laughter and a slight impatience with Charles for not getting on with the business of bottle opening .
9 Fixed capital was no more than accumulated labour .
10 Where it is evident that the directors have ‘ knowledge and experience ’ in the area of business , on the other hand , they have been held to a standard demanding no more than ordinary prudence .
11 The priests of the old deities had emerged from the desert or from hiding in neglected provincial cities in Shemau and To-mehu , and established themselves again , without difficulty , the people grateful to have the old gods returned to them , who demanded no more than unquestioning duty , propitiation and sacrifice ; gods who did not require a man to think for himself ; gods who forgave sin if the price was right , and who guaranteed a good time in the Hereafter .
12 But it will be no more than second-best representation , and certainly not proportional representation .
13 Our endorsement of Tory macro-economic policy , and acceptance that it should aim for no more than monetary stability , meant we were unable to offer them a convincing route to full employment or economic recovery .
14 Before entering the trial patients had to show no more than minimal improvement after up to six weeks treatment with haloperidol , in high doses .
15 But in Britain Marxism still had no more than minimal adherence and we must look rather to the re-emergence of the Labour Party from a decade in the shadows , when it was riven by international faction and uncertainty over international pacifism and rearmament .
16 All this should require no more than gentle pressure : if the drive appears to be resisting the disc , stop .
17 Yet these measures enjoyed no more than limited success .
18 On the next point , what initially appeared to have been an ace down the middle by Forget was shown to be no more than wishful thinking by spectators now spending more time on their feet than in their seats .
19 This may have been no more than wishful thinking , and during the campaign the Conservative Party managed to project itself as the most radical of the contenders for office .
20 The mirror showed me a youngish man , perhaps a little thin and no more than average height — whatever average is in a galaxy overflowing with exters and mutant humans .
21 It began with the statement : ‘ Perhaps the favourite accusation thrown at the National Front by its multi-racialist critics is that we are simply a bunch of bigots , that our stance on Race , the very heart and core of our political being , is no more than ignorant prejudice against Coloured people ’ ( Vanguard , April 1987 ) .
22 The firm says its buildings cost no more than modern steel frame houses .
23 They stood there , almost a metre tall , regarding our intrusion with no more than mild curiosity .
24 For the majority of the population , it seems that , now as before , the ‘ Jewish Question ’ was of no more than secondary interest .
25 In fact , much points towards the conclusion that , despite its centrality to Hitler 's own thinking , anti-Semitism was for the most part of no more than secondary importance as a factor shaping popular opinion in the Third Reich .
26 Against the powerful opposition of many in the Nazi hierarchy Vlasov 's German supporters could do no more than secure permission to use the general for propaganda purposes .
27 This is no more than common sense .
28 This was no more than common prudence .
29 But James 's great houses are rarely inhabited by ancestral families : Lord Mark is an exception , and Lord Warburton offers to move from Lockleigh if Isabel ( however mistakenly ) argues damp from its moat ; in any event , his family 's hold on the house is so frail that his sisters seem no more than faded chintz figures among the faded chintz of their drawing-room .
30 Even the goods manager at King 's Cross station , a salaried employee , left his children no more than some bedroom furniture .
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