Example sentences of "no more [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
31 Now that I actually stood in the house of Victor Frankenstein , I felt myself no more than a character in a fantastic film .
32 But the villagers regarded the new name as no more than a foreigner 's eccentric fancy which they were under no obligation either to use or recognise .
33 Now another life was about to begin , one in which she was no more than a surname and number , a woman who had lifted her hand in salute and sworn allegiance to King and country .
34 None of this shows , of course , that the folk theories , even if false , are not well and truly in consciousness ; indeed if they were not one could not truly be said to be working with a false theory of the mind ( unless theory became no more than a structure of , possibly unconscious , assumptions ) .
35 But it is still no more than a performance .
36 The GP in this social world — far from being an expert — is no more than a layperson , with the same prejudices as others .
37 So , in a paper written to commemorate the life and work of Danny Lehrman , whose critical interest in ethology and psychiatry had been considerable , I argued pessimistically ( Crook 1977 a ) that an understanding of the primate behaviour I had been reviewing ‘ provides no more than a kind of educational backcloth — a reference literature for university courses on human evolution and that it can not begin to touch upon the existential issues that are the central focus of living human relations .
38 What I do find difficult to swallow — we argued long about this — is some strange belief of his that the world is immaterial and that humanity ( if I have it correctly ) is no more than a kind of metaphysical construct projected by nature and relying on words rather than flesh for its continued existence .
39 For most horses it 's a big fence , but to him it was no more than a hurdle .
40 This is no more than a sparring round , however , for the defection of Thursday 's Sandown winner , Satin Lover , realistically leaves only Duke of Monmouth to take on Mick Easterby 's pretender to the hurdling crown .
41 He said Popova and Klyun were unoriginal , adding that there was nothing interesting about them , while Rodchenko was no more than a photographer .
42 But this confused political and economic independence , as if politics were no more than a reflex of economics .
43 But Malebranche rejected various parts of Descartes 's proof , concluding that theoretically the material world was no more than a possibility , and could be accepted only on the basis of faith .
44 The very fast , shallow water , often no more than a foot deep , is the place to fish for summer chub .
45 Some of the larger birds , like the blackbirds and thrushes , often risk a little dive-bombing , in which they swoop down on the owl from a distance of about 30 feet , heading straight for it , and then swerve aside only at the very last moment , when they are no more than a foot away .
46 Standing no more than a foot high , they seldom leave their subterranean homes , for exposure to sunlight will turn them to stone .
47 They slip and slide against each other — somewhat ponderously , since they proceed at no more than a foot a year and sometimes a great deal less .
48 Old Sprout , the greengrocer , banging the door behind him as he comes out of his shop , loosens half a card-load of snow , which skids off his roof and pancakes on the pavement , missing his head by no more than a foot .
49 And then , with his face no more than a foot from her own , she saw what was wedged in his mouth .
50 Donna kept on walking , aware that her two unwanted attendants were no more than a foot or so behind her .
51 It could be no more than a foot wide .
52 To the rapid , repetitive beat two glistening bodies were contorting themselves into an impossible position , their backs horizontal to the floor and no more than a foot from it .
53 With prescience Ho proclaimed : ‘ Great as was the victory it was no more than a beginning . ’
54 The manager thought his lunchtime call to Anfield was no more than a formality .
55 Such is the standard of junior sides in this competition that the game appeared to be no more than a formality for us , so our 4–1 defeat came as a complete surprise .
56 The syllabus , after all , is no more than a sketch of the terrain ; the scheme of work is a strategic plan which identifies objectives and tactics , and which allows for review and reinforcement .
57 This done it soon became clear that Clairvaux had been no more than a pretext and that the real problems lay elsewhere .
58 Moreover , Lord Cross 's appeal to the meaning of the word rape in common usage and the ordinary man 's understanding of rape is no more than a pretext for introducing his own view of what rape means .
59 With as many flats as a Parisian tower block and the ‘ pits ’ affording no more than a shove out of the sand , it was 16 days before the old fort hove into view 338Km after Algiers had disappeared from the rear-view mirror .
60 This may depend on their level of awareness , or , as Edward de Bono puts it in his Second Law of Thinking , what appears to be ‘ proof ’ is often no more than a lack of imagination in providing an alternative explanation .
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