Example sentences of "no [noun sg] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 This survey shows that many patients received no follow up and no change to treatment despite experiencing an asthma attack .
2 Subsequent treaty commitments are no defence to non-performance of the obligations of an earlier treaty ; States are expected to ensure that they do not enter into conflicting treaty arrangements .
3 If there is no response to glucagon after 10 minutes intravenous dextrose should be given .
4 The people who teach in English Departments are certainly aware of a lurking , inchoate threat to their peace of mind , and there is no successor to Leavis as a force to strengthen morale and defy institutional pressures .
5 Bilal Alkaisi ( 27 ) , arrested yesterday , entered no plea to charges of aiding and abetting the bombing when he appeared in court .
6 Dorahy , previously No 2 in charge at Aussie outfit Newcastle Knights , is no stranger to England after spells with Leigh , Hull KR and Halifax , where he also had 12 months as coach .
7 Dickinson was no stranger to success in the Gold Cup — he had trained the first two home , Silver Buck and Bregawn , in 1982 — but his feat in the 1983 contest is unique in big-race records , and to find anything remotely comparable you have to go back to 1822 , when James Croft 's four runners in the St Leger filled the first four places .
8 Asner is no stranger to arm-twisting from advertisers .
9 There may be no alternative to leave of absence , even though the nurse can ill afford the loss of income .
10 Then there will be no alternative to mud in either rural or urban areas .
11 There was no alternative to capitalism as a method of economic development , and at this period this implied both the realisation of the economic and institutional programme of the liberal bourgeoisie ( with local variations ) , and the crucial position in the state of that bourgeoisie itself .
12 If that were indeed the case their Englishness was certainly no impediment to involvement in a cosmopolitan , international world in which French speech and culture was dominant .
13 There were no trades unions in those days , and there was no recourse to justice in any form .
14 It should be noted that although gas or electricity mains pass across or near the site , this may have no relevance to availability of the respective services .
15 Provided the goods qualify , the VAT liability of those goods has no relevance to payment of the flat rate addition .
16 If either of these sentences were true , the story would not have been worth telling , since the conversion would have been a purely fanciful affair which bore no relevance to Lewis at the deepest levels of his being .
17 Already the estoppel doctrine has little or no relevance to transactions on The Stock Exchange under the TALISMAN system ; The Exchange and the member firms will ensure that the parties get what they have bargained for .
18 In this rather basic definition — which , be it noted , makes no reference to self-consciousness as such — the ego is clearly not uniquely human .
19 There is no reference to fun in any Act of Parliament ’ .
20 The Committee made no reference to complaints from Members , although the IBA survey showed that the percentage of MPs who found the Chamber too hot rose from 9 before the experiment to 36 after it had run for four months .
21 The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties continues this distinction and makes no reference to interests of third parties .
22 Theoretical or descriptive surveys not based on empirical research commonly make no reference to women at all , or allot them a specific section on ‘ work and the family ’ or some such title .
23 The vast bulk of delegated legislation is made with no reference to Parliament beyond the original delegation of power to make it by Parliament .
24 The British Minister for Sport , Hector Monro , pointed out that the Gleneagles agreement was irrelevant here as it made no reference to actions by one country against the nationals of another , but on 26 February the British High Commissioner in Georgetown was notified that Jackman 's visitor 's permit had been withdrawn and he must leave the country .
25 The new recommendations made no reference to reduction of infant and child mortality as preconditions of fertility reduction .
26 Although there is no reference to crime in the Act of 1978 which corresponds to the reference in section 6 of the Act of 1935 , it is hardly to be supposed that Parliament , while creating a considerable extension of the right of contribution in cases other than cases of tort , nevertheless intended to narrow the right to contribution previously given to tortfeasors by the Act of 1935 .
27 Up until now Minton 's homosexuality had presented no bar to friendship with female students .
28 That moral is no help to claims on behalf of hidden forces and external structures .
29 The Warsaw pact offers little or no help to Hungary in disputes with other East Europeans .
30 ‘ A damned disgrace and no help to people like me'
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