Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 ‘ I must not be understood to be laying down a rule that in no case where a wife acts on her husband 's instructions and under his influence is it necessary to show that she has received independent advice .
2 Between 1972 and 1984 there was no case where an adult trespasser succeeded .
3 There was no alternative now the bus was stopped and the passengers ' amusement turning to impatience .
4 Its a strange love affair for the jockeys … they take all the knocks and falls like the pros … but at the end of the race there 's no bounty just the bumps and bruises
5 But no , Jessie had to be something else ; Jessie had to be sent to the Secretarial School : no getting her hands sticky from the toffee hammer , breaking up the slabs in the long tins ; no weighing out a ha'p'orth of hundreds and thousands or a penn'orth of sugar baccy ; and as for the weighing out of the real baccy , of hard cut or shag or even serving the best cigars , oh no , oh no , her father was having Jessie do nothing like that .
6 If that happens , if animals are shot and die instantaneously , there is not a welfare problem ; there is no interval when the -animal is suffering .
7 And perhaps the most difficult one to remember is the easiest of the lot , the acid plus the metal cos there 's none of the usual stuff , no salt no water just the hydrogen coming off .
8 Although it has been seen that early Cubism was in no sense simply a continuation of Cézanne , the paintings of Picasso and Braque of this period represent , in many ways , the culmination of the investigation of form and pictorial space initiated by him thirty years earlier .
9 I went to the house and got no answer then the woman next door told me that Brendan came in a posh motor car .
10 Such a person would not himself act as a teacher ( though there was no reason why a person with teaching experience might not make , as it were , a sideways step into this area of work ) ; he would not be a " leader of teachers " , and he would certainly not be anything approaching the Head of Resources envisaged in both the Codsall and Evans models mentioned above , with a curriculum development brief .
11 If careful investigation reveals a secure and successful domestic situation , then there should be no reason why a child should not be adopted and raised by the couple .
12 There is no reason why a child has to know that some life forms became extinct in order to be able to measure variations between living organisms , nor is there any clear difference in difficulty between these two statements .
13 In the first place it is essential to the concept of graded tests that they should be taken by students when they are ready , from time to time throughout their school career , or indeed after school ( there is no reason why a grandmother and granddaughter should not practise side by side for their Grade 1 piano examination ) .
14 Viljoen was quoted as saying on Radio South Africa on Feb. 5 that there was no reason why a deadline of April 30 for the release of political detainees and the return of exiles could not be met .
15 At that time there were no instructions laid down for dealing with the radio pirate vessels and , although this particular vessel was outside territorial waters , there was no reason why a cutter should not make reasonable enquiries from vessels in close proximity to our coast .
16 It would be almost impossible to ban such remarks in a court of law , but there is no reason why a judge should not be empowered to say that , in an appropriate case , the name of the person maligned should not be repeated in the press .
17 There is no reason why a policeman should not be regarded as the victim of this conduct .
18 There is no reason why a couple should continue to have sex into old age if they decide together that they do not want to , but it is important that they make a decision rather than lapse into no sex as a result of neglect or unresolved problems .
19 There is no reason why a change of context should restore α but given that a novel context is likely to be arousing , some increase in the likelihood of the OR might occur .
20 As long as you 're careful , there 's no reason why a laze in the sun should n't be just what the doctor ordered !
21 Apart from the restraint of trade considerations there would seem to be no reason why a contract under which one person undertakes to keep silent on a particular subject should not be enforceable in accordance with its terms .
22 I told the committee that when the colleges were firmly established under a central funding mechanism , I saw no reason why a funding council should not be considered .
23 Of course , there is no reason why a book on speech act theory should discuss alternative approaches at all .
24 There is no reason why a shop that uses all the benefits of EPOS and computerised stock control should not remain a warm and welcoming place , ’ says Andrew Currie .
25 Right , the , I was , about to er come to that , erm the erm , there is no reason why a group should not have more than one prisoner erm , the practical situation is that , that groups are queuing up to , to get a prisoner at the moment in fact , erm , not always the situation but at presently there is a waiting list for who have groups to have a prisoner allocated to them , erm , if we so wish er , ah , if , if a group comes onto the list who has er , ah , and their prisoner is released and , and we , we er in that situation we , and any group without a prisoner at all goes to the head of the list and be allocated straight away , but we could request a second prisoner and that case would be put to the bottom of the list , so when the other groups who , who 've got no prison will take priority now , but we , we could request a second prisoner if we so wanted so you are talking about a motion at the A G M , but it 's not really necessary
26 The court stated obiter that there is no reason why a section 2(2) notice should not be issued to the applicant after he had been charged , but this statement was accompanied by the clear and crucial corollary that the person who had been charged would have first to be cautioned and questions could only be put for the paragraph 16.5 purposes .
27 There is no reason why a lyricist should elucidate but in Gedge 's case the lack of chimera can make surveying his words an unrewarding exercise .
28 There is no reason why a professor of history , say , should not also manage a family business if he has the time and energy .
29 It does n't sound quite so good when you put it at that sort of level , cause it puts a school at risk , but of course there 's no reason why a county council should n't borrow considerably more than this council does , looked at on accounting principle , unless I 'm wrong , and Mr I 'm going to call in a minute , will correct me if I am .
30 There is no reason why a Red-Tail should not be kept with other fish .
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