Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 To use the legs for forward riding , vibrate the lower leg if no response reinforce with a flick with the whip then reward with the voice .
2 Sometimes , for many lines together , we can say with Wordsworth — ‘ the words , and the order of the words , in no respect differ from the most unimpassioned conversation ’ ( Preface to Lyrical Ballads ) .
3 I know I 've never seen a grown up ragger actually , they always go no man look at the chief on that
4 On no account worry about the following technicalities , but , as with driving a car , it is helpful to know what is under the bonnet .
5 It is absurd , every time we introduce another element of our policy , for him to leap on to the populist pitch and then , as he no doubt will in a few minutes ' time , find some detailed reasons for being opposed to it .
6 A handsome little fellow and filled with mischief as boys should be ; no doubt this was Beth 's son , and , taking into account the years between , no doubt begot in the early weeks of Beth 's marriage .
7 Er this the issues contained in the report er contined to be er , er considered by the waste management policy panel which is meeting now on er , erm a regular basis and will in due time no doubt report to the environment committee on some of it 's deliberations .
8 Dr Cassidy put forward fairly Burmin 's assertions that gold mining on Croagh Patrick would in no way interfere with the pilgrimage : ‘ I say in all fairness that should planning permission for mining ever be granted Burmin have given me repeated assurances that there will be no interference with the Pilgrim Path , there would be no interference with Patrick 's Peak or that particular part of the mountain range . ’
9 In announcing the new appointment , Mr Terry said that he was satisfied that ‘ it is clear that the recent problems at Co-op in no way reflect on the performance of Jack 's management of the company ’ .
10 The question raised by the petition is whether an order made by the Court of Appeal of New Zealand on 4 October 1991 dismissing the petitioner 's action was a final order which entitled the petitioner to appeal as of right to Her Majesty in Council or whether the order was an interlocutory order against which there was no appeal save with the leave of the Court of Appeal or the grant of special leave by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council .
11 Perhaps the only instances of expert determination where there is no dispute arise from the valuation of shares in private companies .
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