Example sentences of "more and [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Palermo ( 1974 ) attributed it to ‘ much more syntactic context … which may have aided performance ’ , but an alternative interpretation is that , because children heard both more and less in each question in the study by Griffiths et al . ,
2 Since the first edition of this book my Own views have inclined more and more towards major transgressions and regressions as the main cause of organic evolution and extinction .
3 As the Romans turned more and more towards arcuated construction , with the orders used in a decorative capacity there was no such restriction and the columns are sometimes separated by a distance as great as their height .
4 In any case , as anthropologists have learned more and more about different societies , they have found ever-greater difficulty in putting into any one list of stages the variety of forms of human society which modern research has revealed .
5 As his work progressed he read more and more about non-European societies and modified his general historical views accordingly .
6 The denunciations of dangerous new ideas in the 1950 encyclical Humani Generis are intelligible enough , but by now they were almost bound to be ineffective , and as the intellectual viability of ultramontanism crumbled , the now unprotected power structure surrounding the papal monarchy came more and more into open and criticizable view .
7 Venues boasting ‘ Fred ont' thorgan ’ and ‘ Bert ont' drums ’ were getting rarer and I found myself working more and more with small orchestras .
8 We can go on producing more and more with less and less people .
9 We 're asking our troops to do more and more with less and less .
10 Over the last nine years , as I have dealt more and more with these matters , I have gained more experience .
11 Is my right hon. Friend aware that the fund-holding system has been a spectacular success — so much so that many of the more trendy , intellectual GPs who were initially sceptical of it now welcome it more and more with open arms ?
12 By the time the men put their " memorial " to the employers in November 1909 , the situation was acute : " Not only has hand composition been lately going over more and more to female labour , but the operating on the type-composing machines has also been practically monopolised by the same class of cheap labour , to the consequent injury of our members . "
13 Pulled more and more to this unkempt edge of the field .
14 Yet the game turns inward , relying more and more on major sponsorship deals , television contracts and executive activities that seem a million miles from the ordinary man in the street .
15 Imperceptibly , slowly but definitely the eyes of my mind focussed more and more on that eye in the desert , Al Ain .
16 Mr Booth said that BTI is concentrating more and more on multinational customers .
17 This reinforces the view , developed in the previous chapter , that manufacturing industry in particular is following the Armed Forces in relying more and more on fit , skilled , mobile workers .
18 More and more after these scenes he felt worn out , drained — as if his life were being slowly refined down to a point .
19 IF Gorbachev the Great is looking more and more like Mixed-up Mikhail , it is not just because he has an impossible job .
20 For about a year , since the summer before last , in fact , I had been writing to her and she to me and , because of the distance and something else I have n't been able to put my finger on ( maybe a need for excitement ) , the letters had become more and more sentimental , more and more loving , more and more like proper love letters .
21 States are not the only actors ; the distinction between domestic and international societies is less clear-cut than before ; and international politics looks to be influenced increasingly less by military factors and more and more by economic issues .
22 While Humanae Vitae began the detachment of large segments of the Catholic community , particularly more vocal segments , from the near unanimous and unquestioned following of papal authority characteristic of the pre-Vatican II era , it was left to John Paul and Cardinal Ratzinger , prefect from November 1981 of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , to harden that detachment into a consistent attitude of distrust as the pope seemed to distance himself more and more from many of the central values of the Council , and of the most apparently positive and welcomed developments of Catholicism in the subsequent years .
23 ‘ Corporates are buying more and more from direct channels ’ says Michael Spiro , financial director .
24 And more and more in vain .
25 Although in his later years , Einstein was to involve himself more and more in social and political matters — especially pacifism and Zionism — he was fundamentally a theoretical physicist through and through .
26 The trend towards slower population growth appeared more and more in wealthier countries and regions .
27 This incensed the Captain even more and out of that cabin I got ! ’
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