Example sentences of "more than [num] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The reduction in output of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) coupled with a three-year community relations programme , has led to a drop in protests about solvent smells from the plant from more than 100 a year to one .
2 At one point more than 100 an hour were entering the embassy .
3 He produces the stories at a craftsmanlike rate , no more than one a year , so it is some time since the appearance of the first volume , Pig Earth .
4 At a rate of more than one a year , Britain was to get 15 Pressurised Water Reactors .
5 According to the Congregation for the Cause of Saints in Rome , a total of 1,359 beatifications and canonisations took place during this century alone , more than one a month .
6 ‘ If I were to go to only one meeting a year for each of them , it would still be more than one a week , ’ he confesses , admitting that it is one of his greatest weaknesses .
7 EIGHTY-FOUR women — more than two a day — sought refuge or help with Edinburgh Women 's Aid last month .
8 High-cost patients would have their higher costs met by the district — patients who cost more than 5,000 a year would have the extra met by the district initially .
9 more than four a day if you 're a working man .
10 I very much hope that the hon. Member for Wolverhampton , South-East ( Mr. Turner ) , as well as my hon. Friend , will welcome the fact that whereas in 1979 , 4 million working days were lost in the west midlands , recently days lost total little more than 100,000 a year .
11 No more than three a day and if
12 Excess eggs ( no more than three a week ) .
13 COMPANY failures in England and Wales have soared to their highest level more than three an hour since the recession started more than two years ago , according to new figures out today .
14 COMPANY failures in England and Wales have soared to their highest level more than three an hour since the recession started more than two years ago .
15 There are more than 200,000 a year in the United Kingdom alone .
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