Example sentences of "more [coord] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I asked in what I hoped was more or less a normal voice .
2 That means it was for use in climates and countries so benign that the natives require no shelter at all , and where a tent is more or less a decorative affectation .
3 All the models of passive rifting discussed so far assume that rifting is more or less a symmetric process ; that is , we would expect the opposing passive margins formed through continental break-up to have a similar structure and morphology because they have experienced a similar tectonic history .
4 As I see it , Rocky 's been playing in the wide midfield role ( more or less a direct replacement for Strach ) , with Fairclough playing as a direct replacement for Batty , and Macca and Speed in more central roles .
5 You say you 're an accountant , well a lot of people consider accountants to be tickers , those people who check other people 's facts and figures , and secondly you presented what the County Councillors do as more or less a rubber stamping of what the officers put before them .
6 ‘ We had more or less a free hand .
7 Not only might religious education ( and the compulsory school assembly , already more or less a dead letter in many schools ) be abandoned , but the obligation to give sex education or moral instruction might also go by the board .
8 The Education Minister in the AIG , Farooq Azam was reported on July 2 as having resigned claiming that it was " more or less a dead organization " .
9 It 's more or less a third of the marketplace will then be to the right .
10 On current projections , in 2001 there will be more than nine million people aged 65 or more , well over four million aged 75 or more and over a million aged 85 or more .
11 This bristling empire built on the bones of peasants and political prisoners and denying the most fundamental rights to the workers themselves seemed more and more a mere mirror image of the capitalist system rejected by western radicals .
12 Nobody suffered more than Hignett — looking more and more a Premier League thoroughbred , despite only six games in the top flight following his £500,000 transfer last month .
13 The stoical attitude of philosophical resignation replaced the old Roman polytheism which had become more and more a meaningless formality .
14 It is more and more a high tech event where the general public and even the family concerned have little , if any , role .
15 The Black Country in its early days was still country , ‘ a countryside in course of becoming industrialised ; more and more a strung-out web of iron-working villages , market towns next door to collieries , heaths and wastes gradually and very slowly being covered by the cottages of nailers and other persons carrying on industrial occupations in rural surroundings ’ .
16 What we discover within this secret part of ourselves is an inner being , a soul , an inner mind , and inner life , an inner subtle-physical entity which is much larger in its potentialities , more plastic , more powerful , more capable of a manifold knowledge and dynamism than our surface mind , life or body ; especially , it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces , movements , objects of the cosmos , a direct feeling and opening to them , a direct action of them and even a widening of itself beyond the limit of the personal mind , the personal life , the body , so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of out too narrow mental , vital , physical existence .
17 The steady economic growth and the increasing level of wealth which it generated led to an expansion of commerce whose effects were visible throughout the whole of France , but nowhere more so than in the capital , making it more and more a commercial as well as a political centre .
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