Example sentences of "more [adv] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Empowerment , which has its roots in the US , has taken on new significance recently as American corporations try to find a way to compete more effectively with the Japanese .
2 Inevitably , policy failures were attributed to the government and its officials , when the blame lay more widely with the whole of the community and in particular with the strong British dislike both for rethinking an entire situation and for the radical changes that might have to follow from such a reconsideration .
3 As we saw , this is the result of the fact that in human beings clearly-focused , specific sexual instincts have undergone a process of diffusion , displacement and generalization and have become associated rather more widely with the body and mind than may be true of other animals in whom these instincts still maintain a narrow and specialized role solely adapted to reproduction .
4 and he 's encouraged us to put an application in to do more , more so with the training side of things
5 The jackal as Wepwawet was the local god of Asyut , but also a god of cemeteries , being associated generally with Anubis and more especially with the cult of Osiris at Abydos .
6 ULSTER people will be able to breathe more easily with the help of the Belfast Telegraph 's new Air Quality Bulletin .
7 The Soviet Union , under Gorbachev , broadened its relations more generally with the world community with Latin American states apart from Cuba , with the Vatican , with Israel , and even with South Africa .
8 This is perhaps less of an issue now that Unix SVR4.2 has been modularised , and it is expected that UI will in future work more directly with the rest of the industry on interfaces and reference technologies around SVR4 — see page 2 .
9 In its first few lines , the rewritten passage now offers reasons for organising the essay in the way that has been chosen , and so connects the answer more directly with the question .
10 The mood of Bank Holiday reflects that of a nation knowing that war must come , but other films dealt more directly with the storm clouds building up on the other side of the Channel .
11 In The Dear Green Place , Archie Hind exposed the sap and pulp that was hidden under the hard shell of that surprisingly literary construct , ‘ Glasgow ’ , and then ‘ fell silent ’ ( by which the literary world apologised for Hind 's decision to communicate more directly with the city 's damaged youth ) .
12 Alternatively , p53 may interact more directly with the repair machinery , perhaps increasing its fidelity but delaying repair so that lesion-induced apoptotic signals are sustained .
13 Surveying the state of England in 1551 , Sir Thomas Smith dealt more circumstantially with the question of social status .
14 Subscriptions fell steadily and expenditure fell even more sharply with the reduction of salaries and the suspension of propaganda , so that most local parties ended the war with a substantial profit ; but this concealed a real weakness , for expenditure could be revived by a single decision , while income could only be revived by many years of patient work .
15 Of the many reasons for adopting the concept of emancipation with land , none weighed more strongly with the tsar than the advice of a proven traditionalist and long-term friend .
16 This leadership of the petite bourgeoisie within the often closely allied popular classes in France could n't contrast more strongly with the German and Austrian cases , in which the petite bourgeoisie was substantially polarized to the right and the working class to a large degree stood on its own .
17 For an established monarch the major conflicts with other rulers were almost inevitably concerned with land , and more particularly with the question of the divisions of the kingdom .
18 The end of the year saw thousands take to the streets in order to demonstrate their anger and resentment , ostensibly with the African students in China but more indirectly with the party 's failure to tackle the problems of reform .
19 Compare this with most mammals , in which mating is timed to coincide much more precisely with the release of an ovum .
20 Most early red-figure appears on only a few shapes : cups , and pots like the one-piece amphora ( figs. 86–7 ) , in which much of the pot was traditionally black and the extension of that to the background of the picture was an easy step and one which integrates the picture more fully with the pot .
21 I shall be dealing more fully with the use of the library in the next chapter , but I can not stress too strongly how important it is for all researchers to be knowledgeable about bibliographical sources and , sadly , how few social science undergraduates are actually taught the necessary skills .
22 The majority of the populace not only identifies more readily with the careerist-turned-nationalist , but finds its conscience better protected there too .
23 The figures harmonise more readily with the arrangement of decoration than in many of the earlier examples .
24 That Elizabeth needed careful handling is shown in a letter to Burghley from Henry Savile , who wanted Burghley 's help in a suit because his commendation , coming in cold blood and sober judgement , would weigh more heavily with the Queen than ‘ all the affectionate speech ’ of the Earl of Essex .
25 From 1237 until 1245 he seems to have acted as one of the stewards of the king 's household , a post that he combined with the sheriffdom of Gloucestershire ( 1238–46 ) and more briefly with the justiciarship of the southern forests ( 1241–2 ) and the seneschalship of Gascony ( 1243 ) .
26 We noticed that the red-figure technique integrates the picture more completely with the pot than the black-figure ( figs. 86–7 ) .
27 The latter was in practice obliged to pledge that it would consult and inform governments at all stages of any initiative , that it would cooperate more closely with the Council of Ministers , and that it would not seek in the future to behave like a government .
28 It also called upon the Commission to co-operate more closely with the Council of Europe and UNESCO on such initiatives in Europe .
29 The Microsoft Institute in Madrid , while not actually owned by Microsoft Corp , is keen to work more closely with the company on large accounts in a ‘ shoot to kill ’ policy .
30 If the BRAC workers had collaborated more closely with the village practitioners , then the lobon-gur solution would probably have been placed on a better footing in the Bangladeshi villages .
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