Example sentences of "more [adj] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 I must give this to the Prime Minister , explain the strong feelings and see whether the guidelines can be altered so that it becomes more usual to impose a stiffer sentence .
2 There 's playing up the teacher but it 's more trying to get the better of him or her .
3 Tests conducted on animals suggested that children are also more likely to retain a greater dose of certain toxins because of increased absorption and decreased elimination .
4 The fatter person is more likely to eat a larger number , and will continue eating after hunger is satisfied .
5 The man who is convinced that his little clam-digger is much smaller than that of his peers will be delighted to discover that he is much more likely to have a greater co-efficient of linear expansion than his mates .
6 It may come as a shock to most men , but pre-adolescent boys are more likely to have a higher orgasm rate than the mature members of their sex .
7 As heavy , active drinkers are more likely to have a faster turnover of erythrocytes than reformed drinkers this might be put forward as a reason why our reformed drinkers did not have high pitted red cell counts .
8 A national industrial relations system which had its formative stages during the past 20 years is more likely to accord a greater role to the state , for instance , than those developed in earlier periods when the government 's role as employer and regulator was less pervasive .
9 A lot of people may like you , but it can be more useful to know a smaller , selective number — like the managing director 's secretary , for instance , who 's been with the company twenty-five years , and who loves to chat and fill you in on the history .
10 Secondly , in designs where a 3D effect is required , it may in general be more effective to select the higher-toned timbers for background elements ( eg distant hills ) and keep dark-toned veneers for foreground work .
11 The effects of educational courses and programmes become more difficult to evaluate the further one moves from the initial point of instruction .
12 One further point of possible confusion : because venture capital from investors looking for capital gains is not available to co-operatives , they are likely to find it more difficult to raise the larger sums of money needed to start capital-intensive projects .
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