Example sentences of "more [adj] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Marx was merciless in his indictment of the horrors inflicted upon subject peoples by British imperialism , but without repudiating the general right of the more advanced to develop the backward .
2 It would be more profitable to relate the temporary decline in the use of cavalry to other factors .
3 There 's playing up the teacher but it 's more trying to get the better of him or her .
4 Another point to be remembered in this connection is that an examiner is much more willing to give the first 50 per cent .
5 There has been a radical reappraisal of the Pinot Meunier in the last ten years and growers and houses alike are nowadays more willing to admit the commercial worth of this grape , a variety which was once conspicuous by its absence from various famous firms ' promotional pamphlets .
6 The improvement has been tremendous , in fact I am more willing to pay the dreaded poll tax just to see this part of Darlington looking as nice .
7 The Council of the Law Society 's unfavourable reaction to critical reports was predictable but it is more interesting to note the strong sense of resentment that the profession should be considered a proper subject for such investigations .
8 Because of the close proximity of the vagina to the rectum , women are more prone to suffer the other important late complications of LGV , the so-called ano-rectal syndrome , in which the infective and inflammatory processes involve the lower bowel .
9 However , because the reptation is assumed to occur by migration of a segmental kink along the chain , the force needed to do this is applied one segment at a time and so it is more appropriate to use the frictional factor per segment ζ .
10 This description fits the observable characteristics and progress of the disease , although it might be more appropriate to substitute the social term " " sensitivity " " for the strictly clinical term " allergy " .
11 Some might argue that it would be more appropriate to treat the recent ‘ Troubles ’ in Northern Ireland ( from 1968 to the present ) as an example of guerrilla or civil warfare .
12 But surely it would be more appropriate to see the two perspectives as complementary .
13 It is perhaps more appropriate to regard the personal/subjective and objective forms of discourse merely as different forms of textual practice : putting " voice " into text is just a stylistic convention .
14 Unlike their Western counterparts , who usually strive for individual expression and the creation of a new visual language , oriental textile artists are more content to reproduce the time-honoured designs of their ancestors and seek to express a collective rather than an individual view of their world .
15 Generally speaking , however , novelists are much more likely to celebrate the domestic virtues that , given half a chance , the working class can be expected to display ; and , in order to produce that image , a certain amount of cleaning-up goes on .
16 They were , too , more likely to enjoy the actual work , for they had undertaken training to do it .
17 On rare occasions an experienced tiger will kill a wild buffalo or gaur , the Asian wild ox , weighing up to a ton ( 1 tonne ) , but it is far more likely to tackle the young of the larger and powerful species , including elephants and rhinos .
18 This suggests that the grade differences can not be attributed to employees in the lower grades being more likely to take the odd day off or to those in the higher grades staying at work despite minor illness .
19 Then we go to the taboo language and if you talk about when you go to the toilet , if you Everybody excuses themselves to leave and that 's both men and women and then somehow you have to say where you 're going , so the women are more likely to use the polite sort of euphemistic kinds of things like they 'd say toilet or loo , whereas the men are more likely to say bog .
20 Thus , where disagreement does arise it is usually of degree rather than of substance , and is more likely to concern the detailed application of policy as opposed to general principles .
21 In the 1980s Conservatives have been more likely to evaluate the mediating institutions according to whether or not they are in the public sector .
22 The assumption is made that dissatisfied workers are more likely to leave the one job for another , take time off , or go on strike , but there has been considerable debate about all three measures , and there are cogent reasons for doubting that any of them serve as adequate indicators of job satisfaction .
23 Certainly , the social psychoanalysis of the oral aspects of the cultural superego seems far easier than the corresponding attempts to analyse pre-Oedipal oral superego elements in the development of the child where the crucial phenomena have occurred long before the acquisition of language , and where analytic ‘ reconstructions ’ are more likely to reflect the theoretical expectations of the analyst than they do the reality .
24 However , since joint production and ( more clearly ) joint marketing is much more likely to create the undesirable anticompetitive effects which cause concern than joint R&D is , it seems reasonable to insist that firms which propose extending joint activities beyond R&D must bear the burden of proving that such extensions are in the public interest .
25 They are more likely to perform the classical political role ‘ of mediator and reconciler of different interests ’ .
26 Parents who themselves behave in a responsible way towards their children , making it a habit to keep them informed of their whereabouts and accounting for their own actions , are more likely to receive the same consideration in return .
27 This contrast may , of course , reflect to some degree the personal inclinations of the authors : it has been suggested in the previous chapter , for example , that Taskopruzade 's interests tended to the antiquarian , which would make him all the more likely to emphasize the old virtues of piety and learning .
28 ( Actually the ‘ stream ’ , in this case , is more likely to mean the seeping and trickling of the groundwater than a rushing open river .
29 Female-identified procedures may even strengthen such demand characteristics , since they are more likely to involve the intense demands of a social encounter .
30 Moyola looked the more likely to get the winning score on the resumption and it came when Ruddock , who was unlucky earlier with a header which struck the Tobermore upright , sent in from the wing in the 79th minute and their big outside left Calderwood was on hand to head to the net .
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