Example sentences of "more [adv] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , observer ( signal detection ) bias , which may occur when a particular sign or symptom signals the observer to look more intensely for another sign or symptom .
2 The two control sample carers ( Mrs Mitchell 's daughter and Mrs Wilkins ' nephew ) were both still quite definite about wanting to see their relative in institutional care ; Mrs Mitchell 's daughter said that she was becoming more and more anxious about her mother being at risk at home ; and Mrs Wilkins ' nephew saying that she was more than ever in need of care , and the strain upon him of having to cope with her difficult personality was making him wish even more acutely for institutional care .
3 Again LEA inspectors suffer more acutely in this respect , perhaps because of their lack of corporate identity — each LEA 's inspectors or advisers are rather isolated from those of other LEAs .
4 He faced to the front again then turned back more slowly for another look .
5 They left with a strong commitment to share their experiences at home and to campaign even more vigorously for concrete action by the North American governments and churches .
6 The nine state governors of the Unity party of Nigeria ( UPN ) , the Great Nigeria people 's party ( GNPP ) and the people 's Redemption party ( PRP ) have nonetheless complained more vigorously about Federal policy towards the mass media than about almost anything else .
7 Resolved , That this House , believing it is in Britain 's interests to continue to be at the heart of the European Community and able to shape its future and that of Europe as a whole , endorses the constructive negotiating approach adopted by Her Majesty 's Government in the Inter-Governmental Conferences on Economic and Monetary Union and on Political Union ; and urges them to work for an agreement at the forthcoming European Council at Maastricht which avoids the development of a federal Europe , enables this country to exert the greatest influence on the economic evolution of the Community while preserving the right of Parliament to decide at a future date whether to adopt a single currency , on issues of Community competence concentrates the development of action on those issues which can not be handled more effectively at national level and , in particular , avoids intrusive Community measures in social areas which are matters for national decision , devlops a European security policy compatible with NATO and co-operation in foreign policy which safeguards this country 's national interests , increases the accountability of the Commission , enhances the rule of law in the Community including improved implementation , enforcement and compliance with Community legislation , improves co-operation between European governments in the fight against drugs , terrorism and cross-border crime , and through these policies secures the long-term interests of the United Kingdom .
8 With this growing experience he has found a means to fight more effectively for social justice and the needs of his fellow-workers .
9 If we accept the possibility — and sometimes , perhaps , the fact — within ourselves we are forearmed against unpleasant possibilities and if we can face it squarely we are likely to work more effectively with any child in question .
10 This does not , however , mean that the peasantry were contented , nor does it prove that they were particularly prosperous ; rather it suggests that the peasantry found that they could secure their aims more effectively by passive resistance and the exploitation of their economic power than by violence .
11 An understanding of the subject will help the reader to communicate with people in the business community as well as with accountants and enable him or her to participate more effectively in financial decision-making .
12 Heseltine 's campaign team courted the media more assiduously and performed more effectively in that arena than Mrs Thatcher 's .
13 We can re-assure her that like all the very best political art , hers worked more powerfully in this environment .
14 The 1952 Works Constitution Law spread workers ' powers more widely across German industry , although this act did not give the same degree of influence as was provided in the coal and steel industries .
15 The data collected will also contribute more widely to this area of research
16 Colin Coles suggests that the ‘ carrot and stick of reward and reappraisal should be introduced more widely in medical education , ’ with rewards for good teachers and help and , if necessary , penalties for bad ones .
17 One could quibble about some interpretations that are proffered , though that is not unusual amongst advocates of action research ; but for anyone vaguely dissatisfied with more traditional forms of research , or more importantly for this publication , teachers wanting to undertake systematic analysis of their own practice , this book is a readable and stimulating introduction .
18 More importantly for this essay , Poovey shows how the debate happened around the prone body of the silenced , anaesthetized woman : and how the body itself , now the repository , in a way , of Desire itself , came to behave accordingly .
19 Other factors might contribute more importantly to organisational performance , such as planning and control methods , information systems , leadership and employee motivation .
20 I would suggest to this conference and more importantly to this government , that that is no way to lift this country out of the recession and it 's no way for us to run an economy .
21 Law firms started to compete more fiercely with each other — through ‘ beauty parades ’ and even on price — in a way that would have appeared unseemly a decade earlier .
22 These areas are rather regularly distributed in controlled transition , more randomly in uncontrolled transition .
23 How much more so for faecal incontinence !
24 Fortunately for him , but more so for this kingdom , he was in this country at the onset of the Revolution and the destruction of the Bastille .
25 More so at that time when companies were culled from post-war part-blackout part-music hall Britain to cling together for a while on what usually became the wreckage of a production .
26 The promises and statements made in election programmes are the basis of all those made in the campaign , so by relating these to government statements of their legislative programme , and even more so to actual behaviour in office , we can see if party-based democracies actually do work in this way .
27 It is the emphasis on interpretation , however , that sets Spitzer apart from the Formalists and their successors , and brings him closer , as we shall see , to the Anglo-American New Critics ; and even more so to hermeneutic theory ( see Chapter 5 ) , from which the term ‘ philological circle ’ is derived .
28 Even in his eighties he was a fine-looking man , the more so in any kind of formal dress .
29 The ubiquity and sensitivity of magnetic minerals , the speed and versatility of measuring equipment and the persistence of magnetic linkages between source and sediment make the emerging methodology ideally suited to both process- and reconstruction-oriented catchment studies and more especially to that integration of the two approaches so strongly advocated in recent time .
30 This process takes place just as much in the context of legislating as in connection with other procedures which appear to lend themselves more obviously to this end .
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