Example sentences of "more [adj] were the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even more striking were the elephants that once lived on Malta , and were only about a metre in height .
2 More profitable were the port dues collected on every ship to enter the Sound .
3 More funda-mental were the videodiscs marketed in competition with videotapes in the early 1980s .
4 More technical were the studies of the relationship between citizenship and capitalism , which particularly bothered scholars with a knowledge of Marxist analysis .
5 More straightforward were the comments recorded by Leonora Eyles of women in the early 1920s who declared that they would not mind married life so much if it were not for bedtime , or the anecdote related by a birth control pioneer to a 1930 conference on the provision of birth control information by public health authorities :
6 Even more puzzling were the results of anthropometric surveys of camp school children made throughout the war .
7 Even more obnoxious were the charges to be made at Shipping Offices at each engagement and discharge and the disciplinary regulations which the government had appended to the Act .
8 More functional were the fleeces to temper the effect of the wind : Phoenix had a particularly smart Windstopper pullover and there were a number of shelled fleeces .
9 More deeply felt , more tendentiously extolled , and more verbose were the arguments in favour of what was really to be a new form of further education : the compulsory part-time day continuation school .
10 Much more substantial were the resources derived from the dissolution , by which the Crown acquired , between 1536 and 1539 , land worth £135,000–140,000 per annum .
11 Still more sinister were the activities of the defeatists , ranged around the Bonnet Rouge newspaper and headed by Malvy , a former Minister of the Interior , and of the downright traitors who earned millions of francs from German sources for their work of demoralisation .
12 Lyons was charged on his own with two relatively minor financial offences , but much more important were the accusations against Latimer and Lyons jointly .
13 Far more complicated were the models based on multivariate statistics .
14 Even more mysterious were the tins of pre-mixed tea , milk and sugar , to which people tried to add water .
15 More modest were the proposals to install SBMs off Ganaveh , the onshore starting-point for the pipeline across to Kharg and other short-range schemes to reach Bandar Asaluyeh and Bandar Taheri .
16 More worrying were the attacks of the radicals and reformers who accused Roosevelt of stopping short of a real change in American life .
17 Even more bitter were the attacks on the behaviour of the demi-mondaines who did not hesitate to parade ‘ the profits of their vice ’ in front of decent folk and whose example , so it was said , influenced young women of good society : ‘ Among young women who count amongst the best bred and the best brought up , there are those who do not hesitate to copy the manners and behaviour of girls of easy virtue . ’
18 More significant were the changes at the end of the 1960s , with the irruption of Rupert Murdoch .
19 Even more disconcerting were the personality changes .
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