Example sentences of "more [adj] [subord] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Starving people in the sub-Sahara can not afford much quality , though it is fair to say that their problems are more political than strictly agricultural .
2 A more interesting if rather gruesome example of the point is an elaboration of Bertrand Russell 's story of the inductivist turkey .
3 Corinthian philistinism , more real though less notorious than Theban , is part of something deeper and more disturbing : she had no ideology to offer , nothing that is like Athenian paideia or Spartan agoge , ‘ culture ’ and ‘ discipline ’ respectively .
4 Beghin said the pair had a lot of luck : ‘ The route is more delicate than technically difficult , but it was terribly long , very hard physically . ’
5 On the negative side it should be recalled that many Belorussian nationalists were more pro-Western than specifically Belorussian in their emphasis , while many others became so identified with the Bolshevik Party that they shed earlier inclinations .
6 The report quotes recent research by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory which suggests that experienced drivers are more likely than newly qualified ones to make mistakes such as racing away from traffic lights , signalling with the car headlamps and speeding at night .
7 In addition , unmarried women carers are more likely than either married women or men to be carrying particularly heavy caring responsibilities .
8 The twenty-first century 4-D representations had prepared me for something horrific ; yet my impression was of features more frightening than strictly horrifying .
9 Some of the strategies entered in Axelrod 's tournament were much more sophisticated than either Remorseful Prober or Naive Prober , but they too ended up with fewer points , on average , than simple Tit for Tat .
10 It may be scruffy , but it is where one belongs , and the only place one ever will belong : a world of pub-going rather than café-haunting , usually more self-examining than woundingly self-critical , and pleased ( even grateful ) to be alive , in a cautious sort of way .
11 The consensus thus established is much more likely to create an environment which reflects the now in education ; it will certainly be more effective than either radical revolution , deschooling or free schooling .
12 In spite of Virtues 's dogma , cleanliness is neither essential nor effective against an established infestation , and gamma-benzene hexachloride or benzyl benzoate are preferable and more effective than either carbolic acid or tobacco .
13 The tests can often be more effective than more expensive and time-consuming tests on mice and other animals .
14 Freud 's notion of sexuality was more inclusive than just sexual reproduction , but he was not unique in pointing out that sexuality was an important biological instinct .
15 The Beecham Croup 's AMTES experiments tend to show , indeed , that qualitative differences between advertisements or campaigns are likely to be far more important than quite large differences in advertising weight . )
16 In practice , although the exact genotype of an individual can not be found out , we can find out something more abstract if less informative .
17 The taut Vauxhall suspension translates to a ride that 's always firm , whereas the Dodge 's softer springs give a more supple if less controlled ride .
18 Potassium , rather than sodium salts , are sometimes used as these are more soluble although more expensive .
19 An important point to emerge out of the network model is that aspects of non-co-operation seem to be more common than prototypically co-operative behaviour from a reader 's perspective , at least as far as SF is concerned .
20 More common than purely basaltic lava volcanoes are those comprising a mixture of tephra and lava .
21 This technique is more efficient when only sterile males are released , but we must be able to sort out the sexes .
22 Thus jobs which involve social interaction with other workers are generally more satisfying than socially isolated work ; monotonous , repetitive work is more likely to be linked with job dissatisfaction than more varied work ; jobs which involve responsibility and the ability to organize work time and work methods are generally preferred over those which lack these qualities , and so forth .
23 A man might be more virtuous if more selfish , after all , as more than one eighteenth-century moralist proposed , and more generous if he had more to be generous with .
24 There will also , with luck , be the far more attractive if somewhat dreamy non-Communist radicalism of the Synaspismos movement , led by two of the most appealing politicians in the country , Maria Damanaki and Leonidas Kyrkos ( maybe 6–7% ) .
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