Example sentences of "more [adj] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Your employer may consider it more cost-effective to retain junior employees who are paid less than you .
2 Previously , each initiative — on advanced materials , manufacturing technology , biotechnology , high performance computing , global climate change and science education — was described in a pamphlet of a hundred pages or more that included detailed budgets of what each agency planned to spend .
3 She has also proved more willing to allocate political honours to party workers than was Mr Heath who had been particularly niggardly in this regard .
4 Although common law jurisdictions are more willing to validate judicial customs that create documents of title than are civil law jurisdictions even in common law validation has been mostly legislative .
5 Some industrial consumers regretted that the Boards ' attitudes to tariffs were much more rigid than that of their predecessors ( who had been more willing to negotiate special rates ) .
6 Dudley also proved more willing to appoint ducal servants to offices in his gift and to employ them in his own administration .
7 Dudley also proved more willing to appoint ducal servants to offices in his gift and to employ them in his own administration .
8 One is that they are more willing to explore new skills ; the other is that Imo herself was young , and macaques interact most with other individuals in their troop of a similar age to themselves .
9 If it is the latter , then we are seeing a constant rate of rape over the last decade but where women are more willing to make legal complaints and the police and courts not willing to convict other than a very small increase in the number .
10 Although it was more economical to use living organisms to produce penicillin , and also streptomycin , there was no fundamental reason why antibiotics should be regarded differently from drugs made in a laboratory or industrial plant by chemical processes .
11 In some circumstances , it may prove more economical to replace complete joists .
12 A well-known rationale for regional policy interventions is that countries with extensive regional imbalances in economic activity appear more prone to suffer inflationary pressures , and to suffer them sooner , than more spatially balanced nations .
13 They are therefore likely to be more prone to experience adverse events associated with accommodation and employment , events which might precipitate a relapse .
14 Frith ( 1980 ) has suggested that these good readers attempt to " spell by ear " , in that they rely tao heavily upon the phonological representations of words when it is more appropriate to use orthographic rules with a purely visual spelling check .
15 Tomorrow 's job market is more likely to need flexible workers .
16 In prose fiction , a more dialogic genre , various shifts of deictic centre occur ( that is , from character to character ) and we are more likely to see deictic terms verified intra-textually — for example , pronominal reference given a full cataphoric form .
17 Finally , it would be more likely to promote positive changes in the quality of life of patients and their families .
18 From the start of 1993 the European Commission wants to make leg protectors compulsory on all new machines , which bikers believe are more likely to cause serious injuries in the event of an accident .
19 Backett noted that doctors were more likely to refer upper-class patients than working-class patients to hospital for treatment both for non-terminal and terminal nursing cases .
20 If one is of course a member of a minority , let us say , one is a Jew or erm a socialist or erm a South German , erm then one is much more likely to cherish democratic values and federal values , and much less likely to accept authoritarian rule from above .
21 Juries are becoming more likely to return guilty verdicts in tough-to-prove cases — and judges more likely to slap on longer sentences .
22 Erm some women tend to have more pitch variation and they 're more emotional so they 're more likely to use encouraging tones er which can sometimes be seen to be slightly patronizing , whereas boys think it 's soppy to be emotional or expressive way , so that if you 're in school and you 're asking people to read out in class , erm a girl would be more likely to be more expressive , whereas a boy would be a little bit more monotonous , and just sort of read it out and not put any emotion into it .
23 In line with other studies , we found that larger establishments were more likely to use temporary workers but , and more important , we also found that they were not more likely to be " high users " of temporary workers .
24 In a national survey , ‘ forward planners ’ in all classes had lower fertility ( and family size clustered more tightly around an average of two children ) , and were more likely to use effective methods of contraception .
25 The Government would find it hard to design a student loan system more socially unjust and more likely to deter potential students from less privileged backgrounds , Sir John Kingman , vice-chancellor of Bristol University , said yesterday .
26 For example , in a study of female managers from different cultures , Japanese managers , displaying maintenance behaviours in groups , were more likely to teach new skills , to write personal notes to group members and to discuss people issues than would British managers .
27 Entertainments including music , singing and dancing held in the lower cafe part of the Priory would be even closer to residential properties in the village square and thus more likely to disturb local residents .
28 Following this logic , only those depressive conditions where a stressor is apparently absent should be considered as ‘ real ’ depression , which is also sometimes assumed to be more likely to include psychotic symptoms and biological dysfunction .
29 Such similarities are more likely to reflect prevailing ideas of design — the sentiments of the client perhaps .
30 We avoid small loans ( £15,000 is the smallest ) and are more likely to give advance loans to consignors of £30,000 or more .
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