Example sentences of "than at the end of " in BNC.

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1 The best time to start exercising is at the start rather than at the end of a dieting campaign .
2 It is easier when you are feeling fresh and alert after a good night 's sleep than at the end of a busy day , easier for short periods than for long periods .
3 More striking by the 1820s than the continuity of the theme of the incompatibility of slavery with a true moral and religious order was the much fuller expression than at the end of the eighteenth century of the precepts of economic liberalism as part of the antislavery appeal ; abolitionists now clearly departed from mercantilist policy assumptions .
4 There are almost 6,600 workers at the plant , roughly 300 more than at the end of last year , after transfers from East Fishkill , New York .
5 The birds tend to stay in Shetland longer because there is much more food available in the form of seeds and insects at the end of the summer , than at the end of the winter .
6 The United Kingdom 's total exports by 1953 were nearly four times greater than at the end of the 1940s .
7 I know I was sadder than at the end of most commissions when we finally broke up the team in the refreshment room of Waterloo Station after we had left the ship in Southampton .
8 Er it 's mainly er the change in , in foreign currency debt erm and erm the year end debt er er erm the point is we had rather more dollars at the beginning of the year than at the end of the year erm and erm which , which complicates matters , but if you look at our year end debt in dollar terms th erm there was a thirty nine million pound erm adverse movement year on year as a result of that .
9 Chaucer makes this point on more than one occasion , nowhere more emphatically than at the end of the Canterbury Tales , after the Parson 's Tale , where he " revokes " in his " retractions " " " my translacions and endytinges of worldly vanitees " " ( endytinges : compositions ) including " " the tales of Caunterbury , thilke that sownen into synne " " ( sownen into synne : " resonate with sin " ) ( X : 1084 – 5 ) .
10 Egyptian forces again proved militarily superior to the Turks ; the Turkish fleet went over to the enemy ; the Sultan died when hostilities were at their peak ; and an Egyptian march on Constantinople seemed even likelier than at the end of 1832 .
11 We have , then , arrived at the beginning rather than at the end of a story .
12 Reporting back to the investors on a regular basis rather than at the end of the process is likely to be advantageous to the investors , and is essential in larger transactions as interim action may be required as a result of the investigation process .
13 The bill , which makes it an offence to carry a knife and puts the onus on the carrier to prove he had good reason to carry the knife , will have its third reading on Friday and could now become law before summer after the Scottish Office accepted a Labour amendment that the act should come into force on the day it is passed rather than at the end of a two month period .
14 The assumptions are made that : ( i ) the load is applied along the axis of the bar ; ( ii ) no surface tractions exist other than at the ends of the bar ; ( iii ) the distribution of stress is uniform across the bar ; and ( iv ) the bar does not bend or twist .
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