Example sentences of "about the [adj] time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What 's the matter , San ? ’ the fat woman asked for about the fifth time since they had all trooped in out of the cold .
2 If one accepts the story of Molla Yegan 's bringing Molla Gurani to the Ottoman court-and there seems no reason not to-then on the basis of what appears to be the fairly firm evidence for this part of Molla Gurani 's career , Molla Yegan 's return from his journey can not be dated earlier than 845/1441–2 ; and on the reasonable assumption that the purpose of Molla Yegan 's journey was to make the pilgrimage , it seems entirely likely that it was in the year 844/1440–1 , the same year that Molla Gurani made his abortive pilgrimage , that Molla Yegan also performed the hajj and that the two met somewhere after that pilgrimage , though clear information about the actual time and place of their meeting is entirely lacking .
3 I went to the flicks — I wanted to see Some Like It Hot for about the tenth time and it was being revived at Baker Street .
4 Now the editors have picked out some plums to make up a poets ' special - from Eliot and Auden , through Allen Ginsberg ( 'I think it was about the same time that I was having these Blake visions ' ) to John Ashbery and the delightful Elizabeth Bishop .
5 patients recover from their depression at about the same time that their body clock , as measured by the melatonin rhythm , adjusts its phase to match the sleep/wake rhythm .
6 At about the same time that I went up into the Boys ' School , my friend Hubert Gould moved away to Bournemouth and my other friend Alf Norris moved from The Friary to Greencroft Street and , as this was only two hundred yards from our house , we saw quite a lot of each other .
7 At about the same time that this happened , Bourn became part of 8 Group , the Pathfinder Group .
8 Luckily , that was about the same time that my mother and father bought me a radio , and all my other interests just disappeared once I had that …
9 And possibly it was just a coincidence that Cannistraro 's revelations , fully in keeping with the CIA 's tradition of conducting America 's secret business in public , were made at about the same time that his former colleagues in the Drug Enforcement Administration set out to discredit Lester Coleman as an obstacle to general acceptance of the Libyan/Air Malta explanation of the Lockerbie disaster .
10 Indeed , at about the same time that Sony were launching the Data Discman in Tokyo , they were already previewing in London a similar handheld player which runs Compact Disc Interactive ( CD-I ) , a CD information format designed specifically for multimedia .
11 At about the same time that Domesday was launched , the Department of Trade and Industry funded a £2 million interactive video project called Interactive Video in Schools ( IVIS ) .
12 At about the same time that they unveiled portable CD-I , Sony also launched a text-only counterpart known as the Data Discman .
13 It may have been at about the same time that monks were installed in the church of St Edmund at Bury .
14 Cnut had a church built at the site of the battle , and it was consecrated in 1020 , at about the same time that he allowed the replacement of clerics by monks in St Edmund 's church at Bury .
15 It happened that he decided to go back and found himself commanding a squadron on operations at about the same time that Salmon and Gluxstein as we called the two German battle wagons , decided to leave Brest , head up through the Channel and escape the wrath of the Navy and whatever airborne effort we could produce in the teeth of extraordinarily adverse weather conditions at the time .
16 About the same time that Mowbray died , the great tocsin of the Tower sounded , convincing the garrison it was under attack . ’
17 It was Richard Bulwer who built the present Wood Dalling Hall in 1582 , at about the same time as his neighbour Henry Dynne was building the much larger Heydon Hall .
18 Lead was first used at about the same time as copper , though it was seldom used to make artefacts in its own right .
19 They spread there from the area of the Aegean at about the same time as the Israelite tribes themselves moved into the land from the east .
20 The great Morrissey is currently putting the finishing touches to his new solo album , and a single engagingly entitled We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful will be in the stores about the same time as Johnny Rogan 's book .
21 About the same time as this incident , when he was fifteen , Richard Baxter experienced a spiritual awakening .
22 Near the shore , old raised-beach deposits can be observed throughout the region , representing changes in sea levels at about the same time as the glacial episode .
23 At or about the same time as the 2D was announced , Philips unveiled the PL lamp .
24 Moreover , they must be able to anticipate IBM 's future strategy and be prepared to launch a competitive product at about the same time as IBM .
25 Violet saw her mistake about the same time as the card .
26 This was erected in 1801 at about the same time as some of the farmhouses in the parish .
27 At about the same time as Jayne and Dave were tying the knot , creative director Nadia Marks was limbering up for the 20th anniversary of her wedding to writer husband Graham , whom she met at art school .
28 Anne took delivery of the £93,000 Blue Doublet in April , about the same time as her divorce from Captain Mark Phillips .
29 The Roots , a drawing done at about the same time as Sorrow , was conceived quite deliberately as a companion piece , He paired them because he was trying to say the same thing in both .
30 Brasher Boots arrived about the same time as the K-SB3 , but were developed from the running shoe .
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