Example sentences of "about [pron] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 A review of SSAP 13 by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in January 1992 expressed the view that : ‘ SSAP 13 ( Revised ) was a relatively small step towards requiring companies to disclose more information about their plans for the future .
2 Sometimes an extremely simple technique is sufficient — for example Coveney ( 1986 ) reports that he obtained enough data to allow him to study quantitatively different ways of expressing future time in the French verb , simply by asking speakers about their plans for the future .
3 In his view , they should be able to undertake more thorough investigations and be placed in a position to ask children and parents about their plans for the future .
4 He had been planning to talk to scientists there about their fears for the future when the project ends .
5 While at the hospital Mr Cook spoke to staff about their fears for the future when the trust comes into operation .
6 Now , aspiring judges are called to a room at the western end of the Palace of Westminster overlooking the Thames , and , seated on chairs stamped with the gilt portcullis , interviewed about their suitability for the job .
7 ‘ And , Herr Busacher , I think something must be done about her costumes for the other productions .
8 However she never lost control , giving polite but non-committal answers to endless questions about her feelings for the Prince .
9 BUSINESSWOMAN Louise I'Anson spent one day a week for five weeks attending council-run courses and has emerged feeling even more confident about her plans for the future .
10 Ellen offered me a poisonous smile , but I had no time to worry about her distaste for the militaristic para-medic .
11 Middlesbrough Council is distributing 2,000 leaflets telling the ‘ real facts ’ about its plans for the floodlit development on Clairville Common .
12 Mr Haydn Cook , chief executive of the Friarage , said negotiations were going on with the Scorton hospital about its contract for the forthcoming year .
13 It 's not possible really to understand Eastern Europe now unless you know a little bit about its history for the last 150 years . ’
14 Oxfords and brogue styles have been standard office issue for most of this century , but in the last 30 years the loafer has — thanks to its American and Italian perfectors — become a relaxed and stylish alternative to lace-ups , but there are purists who still harbour doubts about its suitability for the boardroom .
15 Just how little the opening of a new Front in the east matched the widespread desire for a rapid end to the war , and how risky the extension of the conflict was felt to be , can be seen in the admission , a few months later , by Adolf Wagner , Gauleiter of Munich and Upper Bavaria , at a meeting of Party functionaries , that if Hitler had consulted the German people before the start of the war in the east about its readiness for the Russian campaign , the vast majority of the population would have said : ‘ My God , keep your hands off , my dear Adolf Hitler .
16 After the break I 'll be speaking to the Gloucester rugby player , Mike Teague , about his selection for the British Lions Tour of Australia .
17 Larsen talked enthusiastically about his small team of volunteer divers , about their finds , about his plans for the museum .
18 Wim Beeren , the Director of the Stedelijk museum in Amsterdam who , in the face of deafening criticism , has always defended the restoration , admitted that Goldreyer did not bother to inform him in time about his plans for the last phase of the restoration in which the painted surface was to be treated .
19 In October 1985 the Manchester Evening News ran a story , immediately picked up elsewhere , that Charles had confided in Hackney about his fears for the future , of a country divided into the ‘ haves ’ and the ‘ have-nots ’ , of ‘ no-go ’ inner-city areas , and racial minorities alienated from the rest of society .
20 The banker who is leaving the casket to the State for display at Versailles by means of a dation , the payment of death duties in kind , refused to comment about his intentions for the van Gogh which Paris 's nineteenth-century Orsay Museum is keen on acquiring .
21 Thompson , in an interview on BBC Television 's Sportsnight programme , says he is neither pessimistic nor optimistic about his prospects for the Games but is convinced he can still be an athletics force for the next four or five years .
22 I was just having a little word with Mr Twomey about his silver for the dinner .
23 ‘ We wanted to let the people of East Germany know about our support for the reforms taking place in this country , ’ Mr Baker said later .
24 Luckily I am able to correct these mistakes , which is just as well because we face prosecution from the Trading Standards Office after complaints about our programme for the Clansford clash .
25 SERAFIN : You sound as if you are making a cautious discovery about your feelings for the first time .
26 ‘ I am talking about your lateness for the ‘ half ’ . ’
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