Example sentences of "well have [been] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His family evidently had existing contacts with royal administration , and he may well have been a Chancery clerk as early as June 1379 , enjoying church preferment regularly thereafter , although only on 7 February 1387 was he first called ‘ king 's clerk ’ .
2 The source of ivory may well have been a factor in reserving it very largely to symbolic rather than practical use .
3 While there may have been isolated instances which appear to confirm this interpretation ( for example , in 1970 the Soviet Union bought up Costa Rica 's excess of coffee , which may well have been a factor contributing to the establishment of diplomatic relations the following year ) , other such instances have been similarly small-scale and the evidence overall is against it .
4 One of them told me the changes they 've put now are so dramatic , there might as well have been a change of government .
5 A watchman squatted at the entrance of one , but he was asleep , and might as well have been a statue .
6 However , I never tried to get professional help , and that may well have been a mistake .
7 It could equally well have been a photocopy supplied by the employee .
8 However , although there is no indication of the source of 10 marks payable to Roger Blomfeld of Buxton , Norfolk ( where he also owned land worth 13s. 4d. ) , the £1. 9s. 8d. assigned to Thomas Parker , a servant of the king at Elmley Lovett , Worcs. , could well have been a payment from the manor , which was a royal estate , and Parker himself did not live there .
9 Without that damned barrister there could well have been a verdict of accidental death .
10 Referring to the Braer disaster in Shetland , Capt Sclater said : ‘ This could well have been a tanker and it goes to show how vulnerable Orkney is . ’
11 You 've been with me for a whole week now and you might just as well have been a girl , or a boy without balls .
12 So the man worth just under £2 might well have been a person of some consequence in the community .
13 He was certainly living on Iona on the eve of Ecgfrith 's final campaign , and there may well have been a delay of a month or so before he became king , but to suppose a delay of seven months or more seems unwarranted .
14 Because God is sovereign , this other person may well have been a tool in God 's hand to try to get our attention about a particular problem we are having .
15 William Cosyn , servant to William Browne ( who was worth no more than 20s. ) , may very well have been a journeyman , for he is followed in the list by Stephen Martyn , ‘ apprentice to the same William ’ .
16 ‘ By his assurance , condescension , ease of posture and conversational initiative , ’ said a Times editorial , ‘ Mr Kennedy might just as well have been a bishop testing a candidate for ordination . ’
17 She looked so competent and self-assured , so hard , so distant from his own thought and feeling that she might just as well have been a stranger , passing by without a glance in the street .
18 You might as well have been a carpet
19 As the train drew near she looked out for Rough Stones , the house up on the hillside where they had made their first home ; but it was night , and all she saw was a glimmer that could as well have been a shepherd 's lantern .
20 We lack the information necessary to relate it with confidence to specific plate tectonic events , as is possible for the Cretaceous , but the Cambrian sea-level rise might well have been a consequence of opening of the Iapetus Ocean , with the growth of a spreading ridge ( Anderton , 1980 , 1982 ) .
21 His parentage and schooling are obscure , though he may well have been a pupil of Stephen Langton , later archbishop of Canterbury [ q.v. ] , himself the native of a village less than ten miles from Stainby .
22 If he 'd become too demanding , and ‘ doing something about him ’ meant ending the relationship , that could well have been a motive for killing her .
23 Things may well have been a lot worse five years ago .
24 Material now with The Observer — which we are still checking — suggests that there may well have been a group hostile to Sir Harold Wilson ( and hostile to leaders of the Liberal party ) extending far beyond a ‘ faction of MI5' .
25 He may well have been a Zealot or a former Zealot — and may , in fact , be identical with Simon Zelotes .
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