Example sentences of "into [art] [adj] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 The value of dry foods in their various forms should not be overlooked as a great deal of ‘ state of the art ’ research has gone into the major manufacturers ' efforts to produce these high-quality nutritious foods .
2 At a mid-point in the novel there occurs McClintoch 's complaint that people are divided into the ‘ attractive ’ and the ‘ unattractive ’ , rather as , according to Disraeli , as Graham duly notes , Victorian England was divided into the two nations ' of rich and poor .
3 It will not merely be his insight into the All Blacks ' tactics and mentality which will prove valuable .
4 I persuaded them both to come out of the room the same way , as I had no key to the door , and took Heathcliff down into the warm servants ' kitchen with me , while Catherine returned to her guests and the dancing .
5 Redgrave and Pinsent , who on Saturday thrilled the nation with a gold medal triumph in the coxless pairs , now ca n't get into the official athletes ' village .
6 Before leaving the top floor by the back stairs , or one or other of the lifts , it is important to look into the north-facing housemaids ' closet .
7 Gerry went into the big boys ' class and Julia and I into the kindergarten where infants of three flew past us effortlessly .
8 They 've marched straight into the vestal virgins ' changing tent .
9 At last , came the joyful day when the holes were carefully bored into the three Scouts ' dorsal flesh in the Apothacarion , and through their subcutaneous carapaces which were now fully fledged …
10 Then the scrape of the blade against bone as he carved the letter ‘ S ’ into the dead mans ' forehead .
11 Where Janice is concerned , Stevely said he had watched , almost spellbound , as she turned , in the space of 12 months , from " a seemingly ordinary nine handicapper " into the Scottish Girls ' Champion she is today .
12 Which is why Londoners north of the Thames think going south of the river is like stumbling into the left-over servants ' quarters , down in the basement where decent folks do n't go .
13 A genuinely corinthian sailor who spurns sponsorship , she shoe-horns her racing and preparation into a few weeks ' annual holiday taken from London-based solicitors Farrers and Co .
14 He almost immediately led a breakaway of members into a Scottish Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union at a wage of £pound2 a week and made common cause with Alderman " Tommy " Lewis , who had already led a similar breakaway in Southampton to form the British Seafarers ' Union with which Shinwell 's union merged .
15 He then put his last efforts into a Scottish Workers ' Republican Party and , after further imprisonment , reverted to a sort of nationalistic anarchism .
16 And er it was er we had to develop it from a poorhouse into an old folks ' home .
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