Example sentences of "into [noun sg] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Either the contract will already have been concluded , on whatever terms , in which case the delivery note 's terms are irrelevant anyway , or else , if the contract has not yet been concluded , the delivery note , being a later " shot " in the " battle " , would prevail over the conditions on the purchase order ( see the BRS case , above ) and the contract would come into existence when the buyer took delivery and signed the note .
2 ‘ The cause of action for negligence only comes into existence when the damage is suffered .
3 The cause of action for negligence only comes into existence when the damage is suffered .
4 Yet , said Mr. Watkinson , Lord Bridge can hardly have had it in mind that the private law right which he plainly regarded as coming into existence when the duty laid down in section 65(2) arose could give rise to a public law duty as to the manner in which the private law right was to be satisfied .
5 Were the naturalists who studied adaptation doing real ecology before the modern name for the science was coined — or did something recognizably like modern ecology only come into existence when the term ‘ ecology ’ became popular in the 1890s ?
6 A pressure-relief calve comes into play if the steam hose is accidentally blocked .
7 In the simplest set-up only two pairs of the phono sockets are used ; the remainder come into play if the tape monitor loop and bi-amping options are selected , the preset level control then being used to match the gainst of the two power amplifiers .
8 Different considerations come into play when an imaging device is used ( the ‘ Snap ’ camera ) , for example it might be possible to make allowance for the background in software .
9 Of equal importance are those social factors which come into play when the user or former user is back on the streets .
10 If , however , the whole plant is dug out , s.4(2) comes into play because the plant forms part of the land and is stolen by severing it ( s.4(2) ( b ) ) .
11 In windy weather there will be a definite tendency for the fuselage to weathercock round into wind unless the tail-wheel or skid is chocked .
12 Although it is law , parts of it will only come into force when the Home Secretary issues the necessary regulations .
13 It is unprecedented to deny people benefit by means of a statutory instrument tabled and coming into force when the House is not sitting .
14 The new rules will not be brought into force until the Director General of Fair Trading has scrutinised them .
15 The Directive on the return of cultural goods unlawfully removed from a member state is not ready for implementation yet , and , although the Regulation on the export of cultural goods to non-EC countries is , it will not enter into force until the Directive has been debated by the European Parliament and has returned to the Council of Ministers for final approval .
16 A huge operation swung into action after a fire at a Cheshire chemical factory sent a cloud of gases drifting over the area .
17 Skin-divers were close at hand , ready to go into action if the stunt went disastrously wrong .
18 The method of compartmentation would not , of course , be brought into action until a delay period had elapsed to permit the escape of personnel , and the timing of the foam application would need to be carefully controlled in order to leave sufficient time to permit the foam to fill the volume before the fire took substantial hold .
19 ONE of Cleveland 's new all-weather fire and rescue vehicles swung into action when a man broke his leg on the Eston Hills .
20 Stirred into action when a Member of parliament , Mr Pilkington , was the victim of a garotting attack in Pall Mall while on his way to the Reform Club , a Security from Violence Bill was brought before the House of Commons to reinstate the penalty of flogging for robbery offences .
21 SUPERMAN Derek Kaye leapt into action when a trailer loaded with a car ran over his godson — and lifted it clear with ONE hand .
22 Even the water taps have been replaced by electromagnetic sensors which spring into action when a hand is waved within 100 mm of the sensor .
23 It was eventually spurred into action when the majority of the member states began to take unilateral action to control imports of coal into their own territories , so obviating the whole object of the common market since the new controls also applied to imports from other ECSC states .
24 But the memory of Bregawn should not be of a recalcitrant mule goaded into action as the rest of the field leaves him way behind , but of a good Cheltenham Gold Cup winner storming up the hill to head the procession of Dickinson horses which was the most remarkable training feat of modern times .
25 He is said to have offered to go into exile if the remainder of his sentence is waived .
26 His tactic was to starve the Milanese into submission so the city was encircled by a ring of improvised castles , cutting off communications and supplies .
27 Nails , fighting and kicking hard , was forced into submission as the policeman twisted his arms up painfully .
28 We may be meant to think that time is simultaneous , in a way that may owe something to the simultaneity propounded , ‘ perhaps ’ , in Eliot 's Four Quartets , where ‘ History is now and England ’ ; or that it is cyclical , a turning wheel , with human depravity paling into insignificance as the wheel turns into modern times .
29 This is important because it is directly relevant to understanding the mechanism of a type of eruption not yet observed at first hand by any human being , but one that would make the Mt Pelee eruption pale into insignificance if an example were to occur today .
30 But because the feoffees were the legal owners , the lands could not be taken into wardship if the grantor died leaving an heir under age , nor could the crown require the payment of a relief when the heir entered upon his inheritance , and lands held in trust in this way could not be forfeited for treason .
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