Example sentences of "could also [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A great deal of heart disease could also be prevented if everyone over the age of thirty-five had their blood pressure checked every few years by their doctor .
2 It could also be argued that Minton 's large figurative compositions exactly satisfied the Academy 's need to exemplify the continuing relevance of past traditions in modern terms .
3 It could also be argued that the power to tax should be assigned a value in a governmental balance sheet .
4 It could also be argued that the preparation and monitoring of cost targets for trades , work sections or individual sub-contractors should be treated as part of the management accounts .
5 And anyway , it could also be argued that it is the accounting system which is allowing this manipulation ( perhaps even inducing it ) and therefore the accounting system should be modified to prevent it .
6 It could also be argued that we did so despite any better understanding of the essential problem : how do we establish causal relationships between inputs , low-level outputs and ultimate outputs , reliably ?
7 It could also be argued that the increased maximal secretory capacity of smokers is the result of chronic vagal stimulation which enhances acid secretion .
8 It could also be argued that the costs involved in installing and maintaining a marginal costing system is less costly vis-a-vis full costing system .
9 It could also be argued that the doctor was not acting voluntarily .
10 It could also be argued that this would help to build up a body of men with substantial diplomatic experience from which the diplomats of the future might be drawn .
11 It could also be argued that he was the least successful to because the club fell to bottom of the league under his stewardship .
12 It could also be questioned whether a system of specialised representatives is desirable in that it may not produce a group of people willing to take an overall view of the question .
13 The blood of circumcision , just like the blood of animal sacrifice , could also be viewed as cleansing the boy of his mother 's blood and acting as a rite of separation , differentiating him from the female , and allying him with the male community .
14 In many cases , things that can be defined as entities could also be defined as attributes , and vice versa .
15 On the other hand , it could also be said that the madness of modern life is hopelessly out of touch with God !
16 It could also be said that without evaluation , proper identification of need is pointless !
17 It could also be said that this quotation applies to school librarians , as part of the educational workforce .
18 The evaluation could also be regarded as being of the summative type , in that information was given of the functioning of a nearly finalized course .
19 Although the private good is assumed to be reputation from complying with an established custom of membership , it could also be regarded as any other form of excludable union benefit that is increasing in membership .
20 By 1955 it could also be seen that Stalin 's direction of East Europe military policy was not only onerous , but wasteful .
21 These processes could also be seen as embodying tendencies towards regional equality .
22 Mariana herself could also be seen as asleep because she refuses to wake up to the probability that her lover will not return .
23 The necessary reduction by 2005 could also be achieved if the government restrained the growth of traffic to 16 per cent instead of the estimated 34 to 59 per cent .
24 The upper deck windows could also be opened and closed together , with a rack and pinion device .
25 But it could also be inferred that by throwing the competition open to the architects of all nations , the sponsors were thinking in terms of a classical solution .
26 Since the mid-class category N include and B includes , N B L could also be parsed as N B £ L ( e.g. sand layer ) , or indeed N B L ( e.g. sandal ) .
27 The means test for all legal aid work could also be simplified and handled directly by solicitors , again subject to careful spot check monitoring , Mr Hayes said .
28 The model showing the significance of loss of mother to adult depression by Brown and his colleagues given above suggests that not only is loss of mother an independent vulnerability factor in the aetiology of depression , but that both premarital pregnancy and institutional care could also be considered as vulnerability factors ( see Harris et al. , 1987a ) .
29 Each beatitude begins with the word ‘ blessed ’ , which could also be translated as ‘ happy ’ .
30 From a pilot study comparing the antiviral effect of interferon , acyclovir and a combination of interferon and acyclovir , it was concluded that combination therapy appears to be a highly promising treatment for chronic hepatitis B. As more recent controlled studies have shown that acyclovir does not enhance the therapeutic effect of interferon alone , the results of the pilot study could also be interpreted as indicating that a second course of interferon after short term primer interferon therapy is more effective than a single course .
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