Example sentences of "could well [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Future mining disasters could well result in the criminal prosecutions of both the company and senior directors , Mr Cowles said .
2 She and Genesis could well finish among the leaders .
3 It came as no great surprise to discover that , in the Department 's view , the new Committee ‘ could well function within the structure of the Technician Education Council ’ .
4 His portable laboratory is set up in a small tent which is unbearably hot , and could well do without the added heat from his bunsen burner .
5 A Phillips & Drew spokesman said that his organisation uses search very rarely but thought that this could well change in the future , especially through the influence of his firm 's parent company , the Union Bank of Switzerland .
6 In Belfast we assumed that the number of socially-patterned variables that we might uncover could well run into the hundreds .
7 ‘ If Mashaallah gets the mud he wants he could well run in the Arc . ’
8 This could well be so , but an increase in oxygen is coincident with an increase in appetite , so one could well go with the other .
9 There were several other Navy Type 0s , who could well aspire to the shortened form ‘ Zero ’ , but the A6M is the overwhelming holder of that title .
10 This could well relate to the design of the hospital bed which may not be at the same height as the one with which the patient is familiar .
11 Now , other conversion plans could well depend on the size of the hand-out rather than the principles involved in surrending mutuality .
12 Selection of a purchase could well depend upon the standard of manufacture .
13 When the election campaign resumes , the responsibility for India 's future could well revert to the Congress Party .
14 The changes proposed by your correspondent , as well as by Polly Toynbee in her book Lost Children , could well add to the increasing number of children in our society who lack a strong family background provided by two married parents .
15 Water privatisation could well add to the list of threats against the countryside .
16 One could well say of the event horizon what the poet Dante said of the entrance to Hell : " All hope abandon , ye who enter here . "
17 His description could well apply to the 1960s in the UK , with the proviso perhaps that social changes lagged behind the business cycle somewhat .
18 When I read in my newspaper that Spurn Head could well tumble into the sea at any moment , given a sufficiently powerful gale , I felt I must visit the place quickly before it did so , before great waves breached its narrowness and destroyed it — yet again .
19 If you do not have much dressmaking ability but still want to make this type of use of the woven material produced by your knitting machine , you could well turn to the diagrams that most machine knitting patterns supply .
20 The reader knows that it is Zuckerman 's statement too , that it is fiction , and is likely to remind himself that it could well belong to the infinite regress of the dualistic indeterminable , where claim and counter-claim alternate indefinitely .
21 The fact that the numerical models do not incorporate this unique wet Late Permian palaeogeography could well account for the uniformly erroneous results .
22 A hgh hepatitis C virus circulation ( in Italy the prevalence of blood donors positive for anti-hepatitis C virus ranges from 0.68 to 1.38% ) could well account for the high prevalence of anti-hepatitis C virus in our series of chronic liver disease with unknown aetiology ( 66 of 100 ) : of the 66 anti-hepatitis C virus positive cases , however , only 21 were positive for the autoantibodies currently considered as reliable markers of autoimmune hepatitis .
23 He said : ‘ I think Italian football could well appeal to the ladies .
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