Example sentences of "could have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That trip must have revived Nicolae 's memories of his time in Stalin 's Moscow , but the frenzied adulation of Mao surpassed anything that Ceauşescu could have witnessed in the Soviet Union .
2 If they had wanted to fly supersonic jets for a living , they could have applied for the RAF 's pilot training scheme — you have a one in six chance of passing that .
3 Without this rescue , GPA could have landed in the hands of examiners under Irish law ( a tougher version of America 's chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings ) .
4 Pity it was n't in the national newspapers because my lawyer said I could have retired on the proceeds .
5 This is , of course , wrong as we could have guessed on the basis of our experience with forces acting upon capacitor plates .
6 At her side , introducing her to people , encouraging her to elaborate on some of her ideas for the future , Luke was urbane , expressing only suave approval , and no one could have guessed at the personal contempt he felt for her , not a hint of it — or anything else personal either — allowed to show through his sophisticated public manner .
7 And what 's more , how Leeds could have done with the Frenchman as they crashed to their fourth defeat in five games .
8 We could have done with the masks upstairs at the ‘ Music Journalism ’ gathering , where a group of rock writers were taking themselves — and their , ahem , Art — extremely seriously .
9 He refrained from ringing Fred up and stored Daisy 's dividend cheques in a drawer without cashing them , although he could have done with the money .
10 The price , to a cheetah , of growing larger leg muscles is all the other things that the cheetah could have done with the materials and energy used to make the leg muscles , for instance make more milk for cubs .
11 ‘ It seems to me that both you and Peter could have done with the friendly shoulder of a mother to pour out your troubles to — you 're reliving something from your past .
12 I could have done with the two hundred and thirty quid though
13 However , one could have done without the editors ' patriotic digs at Australian journalists who are certainly no more chauvinist than British fans with typewriters ( or indeed television cameras ) .
14 Dougal could have done without the B-movie dialogue .
15 In particular , she could have done without the bad jokes .
16 I could have done without the ‘ vote of confidence ’ the Board gave me a month ago … every football manager knows what that invariably means .
17 Could have done without the lip I got from the scouse stallholders though ( sample : ‘ The League Title cost a fortune in them days … ’ ) .
18 ‘ I do not want to view any of what has happened in a negative light , though it goes without saying that I could have done without the loss of our first-pick forwards for a game of this type . ’
19 ( 5 ) A legal estate may subsist concurrently with or subject to any other legal estate in the same land in like manner as it could have done before the commencement of this Act .
20 Again there 's a lot of other evidence that Freud does n't mention and he could have done like the Ark .
21 Even some Right-wing opposition politicians reckoned it was the best Mr Mitterrand could have done in the circumstances .
22 One — that ‘ pennant has told us more than perhaps one in ten thousand could have done in the time that he took . ’
23 This I could have done from the Royal College — but it was Oxford I wanted — and to go to Somerville where I had a friend who told me about it .
24 Heyerdahl , five companions and a sulky parrot had drifted 4,300 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean on a balsa wood raft to prove Heyerdahl 's theory that South American people could have travelled across the Pacific to become the ancestors of the Polynesian islanders .
25 This could , however , suggest too late a date for the work at Trier ( for it is very unlikely to have been after 325 ) , indeed , Parlasca ( 1975 , 77 ) thinks the mosaicist could have travelled in the opposite direction .
26 This theory is quite untrue , as Mr Hughes could have discovered from the simplest textbook .
27 There will then be another round of letters , known as ‘ reasoned opinions ’ , after which , if no deal is struck , the matter could have to go to the European Court of Justice .
28 It is in any case debatable whether the College could have survived in the face of such rapid growth in the private sector ; their lawsuits against usurping trade diminished once they realized that they had priced themselves out of the market and had little extra to offer than the trade apart from kudos and tradition .
29 When this happens , the social opportunity cost of the resources tied up in the public project is the return that households could have obtained on the same resources .
30 As Smart 's editors have shown , the wide range of reference would easily be available within the compass of a few standard books , which he knew and could have obtained in the Bethnal Green asylum .
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