Example sentences of "could n't [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They had Alison , and he could n't hope to reach her .
2 You could n't hope to convert them . ’
3 Maybe someone bold enough to improvise like that would even take the risk of getting himself really knocked out and dropped in the water , knowing I could n't fail to find him in a few minutes . ’
4 ‘ But she could n't stand to see us worry , could n't stand the expressions on our faces as we gathered round the bed , so she just decided to put a brave face on it .
5 And we always took our wives because we could n't stand to kiss 'em goodbye . ‘
6 Erm the thing that I feel I could n't go to see her in is erm Hello Joyce .
7 Jane also felt she was not really in a position to refuse : ‘ I was missing the fifth years , which meant I had lots of ‘ free time ’ , so I was in a position where really I could n't refuse to do it . ’
8 I was so scared you 'd notice I was avoiding you — that was the last thing I wanted — but I simply could n't bear to watch you struggle .
9 But I could n't bear to see him standing there so desolately , face to face with his own failure .
10 But I still could n't bear to see him sneaking off with someone else .
11 Luke seemed to lose no opportunity of parting her and Rob whenever he found them together , as if he could n't bear to see them slacken pace .
12 Like so much of the show , it gave a touching twist to the common run of things ; it was as if he could n't bear to see us go .
13 I could n't bear to see you again .
14 I may have been being a bit selfish , but I could n't bear to lose him in that way , and he seemed to be making such an effort himself , not ever putting weight on that leg and eating as much as he could .
15 The dilemma threatened to spoil Sally 's happiness but one thing she was certain of — whatever it took she would do it because she could n't bear to lose him .
16 I could n't bear to lose her . ’
17 ‘ I just could n't bear to leave it go , ’ she said .
18 He took her with him on his visit because he could n't bear to let her disappear without finding out more about her .
19 His arms tightened round her as though he could n't bear to let her go and he kissed her again , hungrily .
20 ‘ You know better than most , Naylor , that there were some nights when I could n't bear to let him go home at all ! ’
21 I could n't bear to let you see me so upset .
22 I had only pretended I did n't know , preferring to see things as I would like them to be , rather than as they were , imprisoning myself in a ramshackle edifice of lies because I could n't bear to knock it down and start again , shivering and alone in a great expanse of sand .
23 Even in his suicide note he could n't bear to tell me .
24 ‘ And the ridiculous thing was , of course , that I could n't bear to tell her about Lalage and Arthur .
25 Could n't bear to hurt her so abominably .
26 Could n't bear to have it anywhere near him .
27 Or , like he , if the little girl 's riding him , he always goes with her then as well , but even if the girl 's not on him , he takes him for a walk like a big dog so I mean , they 're lovely people , you could n't wish to have him with nicer people , erm , you know they are , they really are nice
28 My very experienced colleague remarked that her machine was looping at the edges and she could n't seem to cure it .
29 Her hands were splayed across his broad shoulders as if she would push him away , and for some reason she could n't seem to relax them .
30 The words kept on tumbling out of her and she could n't seem to stop them .
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