Example sentences of "could be [vb pp] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This elaborate state structure , providing in principle for the greatest possible degree of local self-government , was none the less based upon the principle of democratic centralism which meant that , in the last resort , central decisions could be imposed upon levels of government below them .
2 Thus gall bladder muscle contractions could be recorded as changes in intraluminal gall bladder pressure .
3 In the meantime a jig had been prepared such that the tailplanes could be broken under loads not dissimilar to those they would meet in the air .
4 God might have oversight over the destinies of nations , for example , in times of war ; but individuals would do better to rely on their own foresight , and on such pressure on the state as could be exerted by groups organised to sustain collective interests .
5 Personally , I think that the trouble in Manchester could be traced to inadequacies regarding the stewarding arrangements .
6 Indeed , the dilemmas for professionals in their ‘ multi-professional approach ’ could be traced to paradoxes within their different understandings of the meaning of ‘ disability ’ .
7 Nevertheless , the trend towards standardization could be discerned in countries where industrialization had gone furthest .
8 Management development , team building , and organisational development plans could be developed by practices in the light of local service priorities , and approved and funded by the family health services authorities .
9 The local deposits of tin and copper had been extracted from prehistoric times , the people of the Bronze Age having discovered how to make an alloy of the two metals that could be shaped into knives and tools far superior to the flint axes and other stone tools and weapons they had used hitherto .
10 An individual 's allegiance could be shaped by questions of party principle and party loyalty , but it could also be shaped by one 's relationship to the central government , or Court , and one 's attitude towards the power of the executive .
11 The judges were convinced that the fear of capital punishment was a real deterrent , and it was difficult to see what effective alternative punishment could be inflicted on murderers .
12 School subjects are all worthwhile but the time-table is filled and many of these subjects are pre-empting spaces that could be filled with subjects much more relevant to the modern world .
13 Jack did not like strangers in the house , so there was no regular charwoman , only the obliging person who could be summoned at intervals when Jack was away .
14 The British navy continued to depend on what men could be allured by bounties , snapped up by the press-gang , or recruited more or less forcibly from convicts and debtors .
15 In middle age , at a time when those in other industries were looking for a period of consolidation , the farmer could be faced with problems when a son or daughter ‘ came home ’ .
16 The Colemans were driven to Filanta Court , on Archbishop Makarios Avenue , and handed the keys of No. 62B , a large three-bedroomed apartment with a balcony overlooking the port of Larnaca from which everybody getting on or off the ferry from Lebanon could be observed through binoculars .
17 Some of the chimpanzees could be transferred to zoos , but the chimpanzees infected with AIDS must be cared for in special facilities until their deaths .
18 Arab traders exploited the winds of the Indian Ocean to knit together the Persian Gulf , the coast of east Africa and the Malabar coast of south India , where goods could be transferred from dhows to junks bound for Canton .
19 The supernatural beings of the Sinhalese could be manipulated by humans so as to influence events , but their ethical position was ambiguous .
20 Other government regulations could be manipulated by thieves for their own advantage .
21 Propagation could be achieved from suckers , by budding or pruning ( i.e. cuttings ) .
22 Sources and applications of funds could be represented by decreases and increases in reservoir volume , respectively .
23 It seemed to me that the stench of Billingsley 's cigar smoke clung to the boat like the sulphurous reek of the pit , and with it lingered the realisation that I had been twisted into dishonesty as easily as a length of rope could be coiled into hanks .
24 Candidates could be rejected on grounds including character ; they had to be at least 45 years of age and have financial management skills .
25 Damascus urged the Lebanese to allow the PLO to continue operations from southern Lebanon while ordering the Syrian security services to ensure that no such activity could be undertaken by Palestinians from Syrian territory .
26 That shows how much damage could be wrought on parts of the planet .
27 By the beginning of the 19th century science seemed already to be ineluctably yoked with technology , and technology with industry ; and though industry could be equated with men of culture and vision ( such as Josiah Wedgwood and sons ) it is remembered in practice , by those who later ‘ read ’ the ‘ humanities ’ , through the contemporary and in alliterative terms more resonant response of William Blake .
28 This could be demonstrated for Lukács or indeed for Marx himself .
29 After storms disturbed the sea , the fish themselves could be contaminated by secretions of the disturbed molluscs .
30 An indirect tax could be justified in terms of pure allocative efficiency if a product were produced under conditions of severe imperfect competition — a monopoly , for example .
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